Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

Transcribed by: Dirk Van Hulle & James Little
Holding Library: University of Reading (MS 1227/7/12/4)
Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as ET3.
Untitled typescript with manuscript additions and corrections. F. 1. lettered 'III'
and inscribed 'for Reading University Library. Samuel Beckett'. 30 x 21 cm. 5 leaves.
Each of the Auditor's movements, preceded by a pause, is indicated in the margin of
the text. The passages A to C have been typed out, and are indicated in the text.
Passages D to H of the Addenda are not included, but the point of their insertion
is marked by the corresponding letter. Heavily corrected in black ink, in text and
margins, relating to spoken text and directions.
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt