Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
That Time / Cette fois


MS. Pages: 01r - 05r 06r - 10r 11r - 13r
[p. 11r]


[0040] always winter then always raining year after year winter and rain always going in somewhere to get out of the cold & wet sopping in the old green coat places you didn't have to pay to get in like xx [place = supralinear] the Public Library that was another time great thing free culture in bad weather far from home

[0053] that time when you went into the Public Library out of the cold & wet was that the time what was it then you were never the same after something to do with dust was it then that last try nothing else left to try

[0053] sitting at the table big round table with a lot of old ones reading their books & not a sound to be heard [0056] only the leaves turning and then something to do with dust whole place suddenly full of dust [0056] opened your eyes and nothing but dust nothing to be seen from floor to ceiling only dust xxx and not a sound only come & gone come & gone no one come & gone in no time

[0030] never looked back after that

[0030] turning-point that was a great word with you before they dried up you squirming on the same old spit ever since they lugged you out never xx xxx dark and only one the first & last that time you were curled up like a worm in the xxx in the xxx [place = supralinear] slime in the dark & xxx & they lugged you out [place = inline] & dried you off & straightened you up that was your turning-point never had another after that never looked back after that

[0047] another stop that winter was in the Post Office it xxxe xxx xight pushed open the door like anyone else and took a seat at the table with the telegram forms & the postal-order forms & the registered letter forms

that time last [place = supralinear] what time no time but the one time

[0056] come & gone come & gone [place = infralinear] come & gone born & died in no born & died get me born & died in no time

[p. 12r]


[0047] [] [place = supralinear] that time in the Post Office that was another another refuge out of the cold & wet that time in the Post Office pushed open the door like anyone else and made straight for the table neither right nor left xxx xxx straight to the xxx xxx long table with all the forms to fill [0047] in and xxx the ballpoint kindly provided at the end of a chain sat down and was taking a look round for once before dozing away [0050] perhaps just fear of attack or expulsion [place = inline] ejection xxx having clearly no business in the place not to mention your personal appearance & monopolizing into the bargain [0050] xxx [place = supralinear] space that could ill be spared xx took a look around then with some apprehension at your fellow men & women thanking God again xxx what bad & all as you were you were not as they till it began to dawn that for all the attention you were getting you might as well not have been there at [0050] all the eyes passing over you and going through you as though you were so much thin air never resting on you with the usual abhorrence but passing by you or over you or going through you as though you were so much thin air was that the time or was that another time an earlier time a later time

[0001] difference of source and theme

Switches of source and theme
should be enough to distinguish
these shades of the source
xxx xxx xxx xxx to another
source or theme

never xxxxing nor xxxing xx x xxx and xxx

[0057|001] 5 s [0057] Silence. [0057|002] Ten seconds. [0058] Breath just audible. [0059] After 3 seconds eyes open.


[0047] always winter then year after year or xx as if it couldn't die the old year couldn't die [place = supralinear] end stuck in December [place = margin right] the [place = margin right] day after day the shortest day the longest night short days & long nights xxx xx dark & damp & cold like xxx xxx xx xx xxx time could go no further xx earth go no further

[0001] The differentiation of A B C
as shades of the same shd.
be sufficiently conveyed
by diversity of source &
theme. If not it may be
indicated by selective


[0007] All in darkness except the Listener's face spotlit about 8' above stage level and midstage off centre.

[0008] Old face & long flowing white hair as if seen from above spread on a pillows .

[0009] The voices A B C are his own coming to him from both sides & above (see note) [0010] They relay one another without any break in general flow except when pauses & silences indicated

[0001] Note: [0004] A B C shd. be distinguishable as modes of the one. If the location & thematic diversity insufficient to convey this effect it shd. be sought in level (xxx) of recording.

[p. 13r]


[0006] xxx darkness but for [place = supralinear] old man's listening Listener's face face about 8' above stage level xxx spotlit about 8' above stage level. [0008] xx Old face, long flowing white hair as if [place = supralinear] when seen from above spread on a pillow. [0009] The [place = supralinear] recorded voices [] [place = margin left] A B & C see note[] he hears are his own coming to him from right, left & above both sides and above. [0010] They relay each other without any break in general flow except when pauses or silences indicated.

[0012] Silence, 7 seconds. [0013] Listener's eyes are open.

[0004] Note: If voices not sufficiently differentiated by

[0004] xxx

[0004] If differentiation of voices

[0004] If strange dispersion in space and

[0004] If dif. of voices not sufficiently clear through dispersion in space and xxx differences [place = supralinear] xxx xxx xxx of context it should be underlin underlined [place = supralinear] reinforced by xxx [place = supralinear] quality of recording

[0004] If A B & C not sufficiently different

[0004] If spatial & thematic separation insufficient to di

[0004] If spatial & thematic diversity triple location & thematic diversity insufficient to differentiate the voices they should be further recording xxx be should be used to

[0004] x A B C are modes of the same. If this fact [place = supralinear] distinction not xxx by [place = inline] xxx [place = supralinear] conveyed by triple location & thematic diversity it should be

[0004] If triple location and thematic diversity no prove insufficient to convey this distinction it should be underscored by

[0004] shd. be [place = supralinear] just distinguishable as modes [place = supralinear] modes [place = supralinear] sha [place = supralinear] different shades [place = margin right] of the xxx xxx xxx same. xxx xxx xxxion of If triple location plus thematic diversity insufficient to convey this effect it should xx be sought in differentiation xxx in different at the recording level diversity of [place = supralinear] the recording.

MS. Pages: 01r - 05r 06r - 10r 11r - 13r