Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

[0012] Silence. [0012|001] 7 seconds. [0013] Eyes are open
That time you went back
that last time to look
was the ruin still standing where you hid as a child
when was that, (eyes close) took the
eleven to the end of the
[0015] line and on from there no no
trams then all gone ages
ago, when was that when
you went back to look was
the ruin still standing where you hid as a child and
not a tram left in the
place all gone only the old rails,
[0018] straight off the boat and
up with the night bag in your
hand to the main street neither right nor left not
a curse for the old
scenes the old faces
straight up the rise to
the main street
and there not a wire
to be seen only the old rails
all rust when in God's name -
[0016] in out of the rain that
time you went in out of
the rain always winter then
always raining in off the street into the Portrait
Gallery slipped in when no one
was looking and through
the rooms dripping and shiver-
ing till you found a seat marble slab and
[0019] your chest and your arms round
you hugging you for a bit of
warmth waiting to dry off and
get some strength back to
get out to hell out of there
and on to the next, not a
living soul in the place
[0018] that time you went back
when in God's name was that
was your mother still - ah
for God's sake not at all all
gone long ago, the night
then where did you sleep the night
that time you went
[0021] on the front where you - no
she was with you then still
with you then only one
night in any case off the
boat one morning and back
on her the next to look was
the ruin still there where
you hid as a child, all alone in the nettles slip
off and -
a curse for the old
scenes the old faces
straight up the rise to
the main street
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt