Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

Transcribed by: Francisca Rojas del Canto & James Little
Holding Library: University of Reading (MS 1477/4)
Abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as ET3.
Untitled typescript with manuscript additions and corrections by Samuel Beckett of
a revised version of That Time; undated. 3 leaves. 30 x 21 cm. Inscribed on f. 1 'TS 3' by Beckett. Corrections
are made in the text and margins using pencil, black ink and type. Each leaf is headed
in pencil by Beckett (eg. f. 1 'A 71'), the numbers referring to the line-count in
each monologue. Ff. 1, 2 and 3 are 'complete' versions of the monologues 'A', 'B'
and 'C'. Each leaf and the monologue it contains is divided by Beckett into twelve
sections in pencil. The text runs over to the verso of the leaf on all three leaves.
Thus, there are now thirty-six sections in the play, as opposed to the twenty-four
of previous drafts.
Text on verso of each leaf appears to have originally been on a separate piece of
paper which was sellotaped to bottom of leaf.
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt