Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
That Time / Cette fois


MS. Pages: 01r - 03r 03v - 03v
[p. 03v]

[0047] Christman bustle in off the street when no one was looking out of the cold and wet pushed open the door like anyone else and straight for the table neither right nor left with all the forms and the ballpoints at the end of their chains sat down on the first vacant dseat and were taking a look round for a change befoere dozing away

[0050] perhaps fear of assault or ejection having clearly no business in the place not to say nothing of the personal appearance and monopolizing into the bargain space thtat could ill be spared so a look round for once at your fellow men and women thanking God once again bad and all as you were you were not as they till it began to dawn that for all the tattention you were getting you might as well not have been there at all the eyes passing over you and going through you as though you were so much thin air never once resting on you with the wonted abhorrence but passing by you or over you or th clean through you like so much thin air wa/s that the time or was that another time a later time and earlier time

[0053] that time in the Library that time you slipped in to the Public Library in off the street out of the cold and wet when no one was looking what was it then you were never etc something to do with dust something the dust said sitting at the big round table with a becvy of old ondes poring on the page and not a sound

[0056] not a sound only the old breath and the leaves turning and then this dust whole place suddenly full of dust when you opened your eyes nothing to be seen from floor to ceiling only dust and not a sound only what was it it said come and gone was that it something like that something to that effect come and gone come and gone no one come and gone in no time gone in no time

MS. Pages: 01r - 03r 03v - 03v