Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

C [0056] not a sound only the old breath and the leaves turning
and then suddenly this dust whole place suddenly full
of dust when you opened your eyes from floor to ceiling
nothing only dust and not a sound only what was it it
said come and gone was that it something like that come
and gone come and gone no one come and gone in no time
gone in no time
[0001] Note
[0002] Moments of one and the same voice A B C relay one
another without solution of continuity - apart from
the two 10" breaks. [0003] Yet the switch from one to another
must be clearly faintly perceptible. [0004] If threefold source
and context prove insufficient to produce this effect
it should be assisted mechanically (e.g. threefold
- Segments
- Dates
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt