Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

Transcribed by: James Little
Holding Library: University of Reading (MS 1639)
Folio 02r abbreviated in the Manuscript Chronology as EN.
Original manuscript notes by Beckett towards stage directions for That Time; undated. 30 x 21 cm. 2 leaves. [...] On f. 2 there are three draft listings of A
B C sequences similar to those found in MS [1477]/10, f. 4. The first two lists are
crossed through, while the third is ticked by Beckett, and the sequence detailed here
is the one found in the final version. In the lower portion of f. 2, Beckett has
listed the entire text, with the sections being listed A B C 1-12 and identified by
their first and last phrases. Numbers 1-36 are in black ink, while all other material
in this item is in red ball-pen.
The chronology of this document is complex. Folio 01r consists of lighting instructions
for the 1976 Royal Court premiere of That Time which were made after the first edition was published by Faber and Faber. The lists
on folio 02r provide the basis for the revised paragraph order on ET7. Folio 01r is
therefore part of the post-publication 'après-texte', while folio 02r is part of the
'avant-texte'. The position of this document in our catalogue is determined by the
material on folio 02r.
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt