Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Fin de partie / Endgame
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 608


Fin de partie Segment 608, version 1 (, p. 37)

[Nagg:] Bon, d'accord, l'entre-jambes, c'est délicat.

Endgame Segment 608, version 2 (, f. 20r)

Good. Can't be helped, the crutch is always ticklish.

Endgame Segment 608, version 3 (, f. 11r)

Good, can't be helped, the a snug crutch is always ticklish[] a snug crutch is always a problem teaser. a teaser.

Endgame Segment 608, version 4 (, p. 22)

[Nagg:] Good, can't be helped, a snug crutch is always a teaser.

Endgame Segment 608, version 5 (, p. 21)

[Nagg:] Good, can't be helped, a snug crutch is always a teaser.

Fin de partie Segment 608, version 6 (, p. 161)

[Nagg:] Bon, d'accord, l'entre-jambes, c'est délicat.