Digital Manuscript ProjectEn attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot

[1813] You're going the wrong way.
[1814] I need a running start.
[1815] (Having come to the end of the rope, i.e.
[1816] Stand back!
[1817] (VLADIMIR and ESTRAGON stand back, look
[1819] ! [1819|001] ! [1819|002] On! [1819|003] On!
off stage, he stops, turns and cries)
towards Pozzo. [1818] Crack of whip)
[1821] ! [1821|001] On! [1821|002] On!
[1822] ! [1822|001] On! [1822|002] On!
[1825] Faster!
[1826] (He appears, crosses the stage preceded by
[1830] ! [1831] ! [1831|001] On! [1831|002] On!
[1832] (On the point of disappearing in his turn
[1835] Stool!
LUCKY. [1827] VLADIMIR and ESTRAGON take off
their hats, wave their hands. [1828] Exit LUCKY.
[1829] POZZO cracks rope and whip)
he stops and turns. [1833] The rope tautens.
[1834] Noise of Lucky falling off)
- Segments
En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt