Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[0124] try and see where these considerations lead.[0125] I have been here, ever[⁁] since
I began to be, my appearances elsewhere being due to other
parties.[0126] All has proceeded, all this time, in the utmost
calm, the most perfect order, apart from a few manifestations the
meaning of which escapes me.[0127] No, it is not that their meaning es-
capes me, my own escapes me just as much.
[0128] Here all things — no, I
shall not say it, being unable to.[0129] I owe my existence to nobody,
these faint fires are not of those that illuminate or burn.
[0130] Going nowhere, coming from nowhere, Malone passes.[0131] These notions
of forbears, of houses where lamps are lit at night, and other
such, where do they come to me from?[0133] And all these quest-
ions I ask myself.[0134] It is not in a spirit of curiosity.
[0135] I
cannot be silent.[0136] About myself I need to know nothing.
[0137] Here all is clear.[0138] No, all is not clear.[0139] But the discourse must
go on.[0140] So one invents obscurities.[0141] Rhetoric.[0142] These lights
for example, which I do not ask to mean anything, what is there so strange
about them, so wrong?[0143] Is it their irregularity, their
instability, is it their shining strong one minute and weak the next,
but never beyond the power of one or two candles?
[0144] Malone appears
and disappears with the punctuality of clockwork, always at the
same distance, the same velocity, in the same direction,
the same attitude.[0145] But the play of the lights is truly unpre-
dictable.[0146] It is only fair to say that to eyes less knowing than
mine they would probably pass unseen.
[0150] But
I shall remark without further delay, in order to be sure of doing
so, that I am relying on these lights, as indeed on all other
similar sources of credible perplexity, to help me continue and
perhaps even conclude.[0151] I resume, I have to.
Yes, where was I, from the unexceptionable order that has prevailed
here up to date may I infer that such will always be the case?I may
[0153] I may
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L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt