Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2180.3] them, they'll have to come and get me, if they want me,
it's not Mahh [place = overwritten] ood will [place = supralinear] ever bring [place = supralinear] Mahood won't get me out, nor Worm either, they set
great hopes on Worm, to tempt [place = supralinear] coax me out, he was [place = supralinear] something new, different from all
the others, meant to be, perhaps he was, for me it's the [place = supralinear] they're all the same,
they don't understand, I can't stir, I'm all right here, I'd be
all right, if they'd leave me, let them come and get me, if they
want me, they'll find nothing, then they can depart, with an
esay mind.
[2181] And if there is only one, like me, he can depart with-
out fear of remorse, having done all he could, and even more, to
achiec [place = overwritten] ve the impossible and so losr [place = overwritten] t his life, or stayw with me
here, and be my like that m [place = supralinear] ay befall him, [place = supralinear] he might do that, and be a like for me,
that would be stunning [place = supralinear] delightful, my first like, that would be epoch-
making, to know I had a like, a congener, he wouldn't have to
[2181] be like me, he couldn't be but [place = supralinear] be like me, he need only relax,
, he might believe what he pleased, at the outset, that he could [place = supralinear] was
bear no more [place = supralinear] in hell, or that the place was charming, he might even
exclaim, I'll settle down here never stir again, being used to
announcing his decisions, at the top of his voice, and so [place = supralinear] thus get
[2181] to know them better, he might even add, to cover all eventualit- [place = supralinear] risks
ies, For the moment, it would be his last bit of balderdash [place = supralinear] inanity,
he need only relax, he'd disappear, he would [place = supralinear] he'd know nothing either,
there would [place = supralinear] we'd be the two of us, unbeknownst to ourselves, unbe-
knownst to each other, that's a darling dream I've been having,
a very excellent [place = supralinear] broth of a dream.
[2182] And it's not over [place = supralinear] morning. [Stet]
[2183] For here comes another,
to see what has happened to ho [place = overwritten] is pal, and get him out, and back to
his right mind, and back to his kin, with a flow of threats, and
promises, and tales like this of wombs and cribs, diapers bepissed
and the first long trousers, love's young dream and life's l [place = overwritten] old
lech, blood and tears and skin and bones and the tossing in the
[2183] grave, and so out coax him out, as he me, that's right, pidgin
bullskrit, and in the end, having lived his life, no, before, but
you've got my meaning, and there we are the h [place = overwritten] three of us, it's
more cosy, perpetual dream, you only have to sleep, not even
that, it's like the song [place = supralinear] [⁁] old jingle, A dog came in [place = supralinear] [⁁] crawled into the kitchen, And stole
a crust of bread, Then cook up with I forget what, And walloped
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L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt