Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[2183] him till he was dead, second verse, Then all the dogs came
erunning crawling, And dug their pal the dog a tomb, xAnd wrote upon the tombstone,
For dogs and bictch bitches to come, third verse, as the second first,
fourth, as the second, fifth, as the hthird, give us time, give
us time and we'll be a multitude, a thousand, ten thousand, there
there's no mlack of room, adeste, adeste, all ye living bastards,

Segment 2

[2183] you'll be all right, you'll see, you'll never be born again,
what am I talking about saying, you'll never have been born, and bring
your brats, our hell will be heaven to them, after what you've they've been through
done to them with you. .

Segment 3

[2184] But come to think of it are we not already a
goodly company, what right have I to flatter myself I'm the
first, first in time I mean of course, there are some more
questions,please God they don't take the fancy to answer them.
[2185] What can they be hatching anyhow, at this late hour?[2186] Can it
be thety are resolved at last to seize me by the horns?
[2187] Looks
like it.
[2188] In that case tableau any minute.

Segment 4

[2189] Oyez, oyez, I was
like them, before being like me, oh the swine, that's one I
won't get over in a hurry, no matter, no matter, the charge
is sounded, present arms, corpse, to your guns, spermatozoon.

Segment 5

[2190] I too, weary of pleading an incomprehensible cause, at twenty six and
cents eightpence the thousand flowers of rhetoric, let myslef drop among
the contumacious, nice image that, telescoping space, it must
be the Pulitzer Prize, they're trying to dull bore me to sleep, at
long range, for fear I might defend myself, they want to catch
me alive, so as to be able to kill me, thius I shall have lived,
they think I'm alive, what a business, were there but a cadaver
it would smack of exhumation body-snatching, not in a woman womb either, the bi

Segment 6

[2190] slut has yet to menstruate that will ever litter capable of whelping me, that should
singularly restrict the field of research, a sperm dying, of cold,
in the sheets, wagging feebly it's l its little tail, perhaps
I'm a drying sperm, in the sheets of an innocent boy, even that
takes time, not a stone must be left unturned, one mustn't
be afraid of making a howler, how can one know it is one before it's
made, and one it most certainly is, now that it's irrevocable,
for the good reason, here's another, here comes another, unless it

Doodle 16
Shape, Pen test, Zigzag
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