Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[1096] To have forever before my eyes, when I open them, approximately
the seat [place = supralinear] same set of hallucinations exactly, is a joy I might have
never known, but for my cang.[1097] There is really only one thing
that worries me, and that is the prospect of being throttled
if I should ever happen to shorten further.[1098] Asphyxia![1099] I who was
also [place = supralinear] always the respiratory type,[1100] witness this thoracic cage (?) [place = supralinear] still mine
still, together with the addomen.
[1101] I who murmured, at every inhal-
ation, Here comes the oxygen again, and each time I breathed out,
There go the impurities, the blood is bright red again [place = supralinear] once more.[1102] The blue
face.[1103] The obscene protrusion of the tongue.[1104] The tumefaction of
the penis.[1105] The penis, that's a [place = supralinear] pleasant surprise, I'd forgotten I had one.
[1106] What a pity I have no arms, there might still be something to
be squeezed [place = supralinear] wrung from it.[1107] No, tis better thus.
[1108] At my age, to start
manstuprating again, it would be indecent.[1109] And fruitless.[1110] [place = supralinear] [⁁] And yet one never knows After
all, not necessarily [place = supralinear] one can never be sure.[1111] With a u [place = overwritten] yo heave ho, concentrating with all
my might on a horse's rump, at the moment when the tail rises,
who knows, I might not go altogether emptyhanded away.[1112] Heavens,
did I fe I almost felt it flutter![1113] Does this mean they did not
geld me?[1114] I could have sworn they had gelt me.
[1115] But perhaps I am
getting miexed up with [place = supralinear] thinking of [place = supralinear] confusing with other scrota.[1116] Not another stir out of it
in any case.[1117] I'll concentrate again.[1118] A Shropshire.[1119] Come, come,
a little cooperation, please, , finish dying, it's the least you
might do, after all the trouble they have taken to bring you to
life.[1120] The worst is over.[1121] They have [place = supralinear] You have been sufficiently assassinated [place = inline] , you,
sufficiently suicided you, for you to be able now to stand on your
own feet, like a big boy.[1122] And t [place = overwritten] That's what I tell myself?.
[1123] And I add,
in a passion [place = supralinear] quite carried away, Slough off this immortal inertia, it is out of place,
in this society.[1124] They can't do everything.[1125] They have put you on
the right road, they have led you by the hand to the very edge [place = inline] brink
of the precipice, now it's up to you, with an unassisted last step,
to show them your gratitude.[1126] I like this colourful language,, these
bold mat metaphors and apostrophes.Through the splendours of nature
[1127] Through the splendours of nature
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L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt