Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[1961] tralatralay pom pom, again, tralatralay pom pom, re mi re do bang
bang, who could blame him?
[1963] Unfortunately we must stick to the
facts, for what else is there, to stick to, to cling to, when all
is foundering, but the facts, when there are any, above the surface,
within reach of the heart, happy expression that, of the heart crying
out, The facts are there, the facts are there, and then more
[1963] calmly, when the danger is past, [Stet] the sequel, namely, in the
case before us, Here there is no wood, nor any stone, or if there
is, the facts are there, it's as if there wasn't, the facts are
there, no vegetables, no minerals, only Worm, kingdom unknown,
Worm is there, as it were, as it were.
[1964] But not too fast, it's too
soon, to return, to where I am, empty-handed, in triumph, to where
I'm waiting, calm, passably calm, knowing, thinking I know, that
nothing has befallen me, nothing will befall me, nothing
good, nothing bad, nothing to be the death of me, it would be pre-
[1965] I see me, I see my place, there is nothing to show it,
nothing to distinguish it, from all the other places, they are
mine, all mine, if I wish, I wish none but mine, there is nothing
to mark it, I am there so little, I see it, I feel it round me,
it enfolds me, it covers me, if only this voice would stop, for
a second, it would seem long to me, a second of silence.[1966] I'd listen,
I'd know if it was going to start again, or if it was stilled for
ever, what would I know it with, I'd know.
[1967] And I'd keep on listen-
ing, to try and advance in their good graces, keep my place in
their favour, and be ready, when they judged fit to take me in
hand again, or I'd stop, stop listening, is it possible that one
day I shall stop listening, without having to fear the worst,
namely, I don't know, what can be worse than this, a woman's voice
perhaps, I hadn't thought of that, they might engage a soprano.
[1968] But let us leave these dreams and try again, if only I knew what
they want, they want me to be Worm, but I was, I was, what's wrong,
I was, but ill, it must be that, it can only be that, what else
can it be, but that, I didn't report in the light, the light of
day, in their midst, to hear them say, Didn't we tell you you were
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L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt