Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2179] the face, nay, have they [xxx] ever done any thing
else, [since pas] during the past — no, no time
indications whatever you do, and, another question,
what am I doing in Mahood's story, and in
Worm's, or rather what are they doing in mine,
there are some irons in the fire, let them melt. [ADDITION]Addition on page
05vthere are a few fish to fry, let them rot. [⁁] (?)
[2180.1] I know, I know, attention please, for the
spilling of the beans, I know, it's [xxx there's]
that's nothing new, it's [xxx] the same old all part
of the same slick boloney, namely, But my
dear man, come, be reasonable, look, this
is you, look at this photograph, and here's your
file, no convictions, I assure you, come now,
[2180.1] make an effort, at your age, to have no
identity, it's a scandal, I assure you, look
at this photograph, what, you see nothing,
true, no matter, here, look at this death's-head,
you'll see, you'll be fine, it won't [be lon]
last long, [xxx] here, look, here's the record,
insults to policemen, indecent behaviour,
sins against holy ghost, contempt of court,
impertinence to superiors, [cruelty] to inferiors,
impertinence to superiors, impudence to inferiors,
deviations from reason, [ADDITION]Addition on page
05vinsults to policemen,
indecent behaviour,
blasphemy, sins against [the] Holy Ghost
contempt of court,
impertinence to his superiors,
cruelty to inferiors,
[violations] of reason, without battery, look,
no battery, it's nothing, you'll be fine, you'll
see, what I beg your pardon, does he work, good
God no, out of the question, [2180.2] look, here's the
medical report, spasmodic tabes, painless
ulcers ? (gommes), I repeat, painless, everything
[2180.2] is painless, multiple softenings, various hardenings,
insensitive to blows, sight failing, bad in- chronic indigestion,
digestion[to be xxx] light diet,
[xxx with a][xxx] shit well tolerated,
hearing failing, sound sleeper, no erections, heart irregular,
would you like some more
sweet-tempered, smell failing, sound sleeper,
no erections, [xx] wd. you like some more,
[2180.2] commission in the territorials, inoperable,
untransportable, look, here's the face, no
no, the other end, I assure you, it's a
bargain, I beg your pardon, does he drink,
[God] good God yes, passionately, I beg your
pardon, father and mother, both dead,
at seven months interval, he at the conception,
[2180.2] she at the nativity, I assure you, you can't
do better, at your age, to have no human shape,
the pity of it, look, here's the photograph,
you'll see, you'll be fine, what is it does
it amount to, after all, a painful moment,
on the surface, then peace [xxx], underneath,
[2180.2] it it's the only way, take my word, the only way
out, I beg your pardon, have I nothing else,
why certainly, certainly, just a second,
I was wondering myself, just a second,
if you were not rather, just a second, here
we are, this one here, but I wanted first,
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt