Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2206.11] again, no, I never threw anything away,
never threw anything away of all the things
I found, never found anything that I
didn't lose, never lost anything that I might might not have thrown away, [2206.12] if
[xxx xxx]
it's I who seek, find, lose, find again,
lose again, seek again, seek in vain, seek
again, find again, lose again, seek no more,
[2206.12] if it's I what it is, and if it's not I
who it is, and what it is, I see nothing
else for the moment, yes I do, I con-
clude, the good fortune to establish, seeing considering the
the [fut in xxxing t]
futility of telling oneself even any old
thing, to pass the time, why I do it,
if it's I who do it, as if reasons were
[2206.12] necessary required for doing any old
thing, to pass the time, no matter, [one]
the question may be asked, off the record,
why time does not pass, does not pass
from you, why it piles up all about you,
instant on instant, on every hand all
sides, hi deeper and deeper, thicker and
thicker, your time, others' time, the
[2206.12] time of the ancient dead and of the
unborn dead yet unborn, why it [x] buries
you grain by grain neither dead nor alive,
with no memory of anything, no hope of
anything, no knowledge of anything,
no [story] history and no future, buried
under the seconds, saying any old thing,
your mouth full of sand, [xxx] oh I know
[2206.12] it's beside the point immaterial, time
is one thing, I am another, but the question
may be asked, why time does not pass,
just like that, off the record, en passant,
to pass the time, I think that's all, for
the moment, I see nothing else, I see
nothing whatever, for the time being.
Assume notably henceforward that the thing
said and the thing heard have a common
source, while resisting for this purpose the
temptation to call in question the
possibility of assuming anything
[2211] Situate this source in me,
without specifying where exactly, no
finicking, anything is preferable to the
awareness of third parties and, more
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt