Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2284] me, yes, no, someone calls, someone calls
me, I clx climb out again, what is it,
a little hole, in the wilderness.
[2285] It's the
end that's the worst, no, it's the beginning
that's the worst, then the middle, then
the end, in the end it's the end that's the
worst, this voice which, it's every second
that's the worst, that's in the time dimension,
the seconds pass, one after another, jerkily,
no flow, they don't pass, they arrive, bang,
bang, bang, bang, they bang into you,
bounce off, and never move again fall
and never move again, when you have
nothing left to say you talk of time, seconds
of time, there are some people add them
together to make a life, I can't, each
one is the first, no, the second, or the third,
I'm three seconds old, oh not every day
of the week.
[2286] I've been away, done something,
been in a hole, I've just come out, perhaps
I went silent, no, I say that in order to
say something, in order to go on a little more,
you must you must go on a little more, you
must go on a long time more, you must go
on for ever more, if I could remember
what I have said I could repeat, if I
could learn something by heart I'd be
saved, I have to keep on saying the same
thing and each time it's an effort,
the seconds must be all alike and each
one is infernal, what am I saying now,
I'm saying I wish I knew.
[2287] And yet
I have memories, I remember Worm,
that is to say I have retained the name,
and the other one, what was he called, [⁁] [ADDITION]Addition on page
27vwhat is his name, what was his name, in
his jar, I can see him well still, better
than I can see me, I know how he lived,
now I remember, I saw him alone saw
him, but no one sees me, nor him,
I don't see him any more, I don't know
how he lived any more, he isn't there any
more, he was never there, in his jar, I
never saw him, and yet I remember,
I remember having Mahood about, I must
have talked about him, the same words
recur and they are my memories.
[2288] It's I
invented him, him and so many others,
and the places where they passed, the places
where they stayed, in order to be able to
speak, since I had to speak, without
speaking of me, I couldn't speak of
me, I was never told I had to speak
of me, I invented my memories, not without knowing what I
one is of me
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt