Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[2328.4] words, open on the silence, looking out
on the silence, straight out, why not,
all this time, on the brink of silence, I
knew it, on a rock, lashed to a rock,
in the midst of silence, it's great
swell rears towards me, I'm streaming
with it, it's an x image, those are words,
it's a body, it's not I, I'm not
[2328.4] I knew it wouldn't be I, I'm not
outside, I'm inside, in something,
I'm shut up, the silence is outside,
outside, inside, there is no place nothing but
here, and the silence outside, nothing
but this voice, and the silence all round,
no need of walls, yes, we must have walls,
I must have them, good and thick,
[2328.4] I need walls, good and thick, I need
a prison, I was right, for me all alone,
I'll go there now, I'll put me in it, I'm
there already, I'll start looking for me
now, I'm there somewhere, it won't be
I, that doesn't matter, I'll say it's I,
[2328.4] perhaps it will be I, perhaps that's what
they are waiting for, there they are again,
to give me quittance, waiting for me to
say I am someone, to say I am somewhere,
to put me out, in the silence.
[2329.1] I can't I see nothing, it's because there is
nothing, or it's because I have no eyes,
or both, that makes three possibilities,
to choose from, but do I really see
nothing, it's not the moment to tell a
lie, but how can you not lie, what
an idea, a voice like this, who can
[2329.1] check it, it tries everything, it is blind,
it seeks me, in the dark, it seeks a
mouth, to put itself in creep into, who
can query it, there is no other, you'd need
a head, you'd need things, I don't
know, I seem too much to know, [2329.2] it's the
voice that does that, it goes know all
knowing, to make me think I know,
[2329.2] to make me think it's mine, eyes don't interest
it, it says I have none, or that they are no
use to me, then it speaks of tears, then
it speaks of gleams, it is truly at a loss,
gleams, yes, afar, or near, distances, you
know, measures, the less said the better,
gleams, as at dawn, and then fading,
[2329.2] as at evening, or flaring up, that they do that sometimes,
happens so
flame up as dazzling as snow, for a second,
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt