Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2079


L'Innommable Segment 2079, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 20v)

Il y a peut-être d'autres ici, avec moi, il fait sombre, comme de juste, ce n'est pas forcément des oubliettes particulières, ou un autre, j'ai peut-être un compagnon, d'infortune, qui aime converser parler, ou qui doit parler, comme ça, seul, devant lui, sans arrêt, mais je ne crois pas, qu'est-ce que je ne crois pas, que j'aie un compagnon, d'infortune, ça m'étonnerait, qu'ils aient été jusque-là que leur animosité aille jusque-là, ils disent que ça m'étonnerait.

L'Innommable Segment 2079, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 168)

Il y a peut-être d'autres ici, avec moi, il fait sombre, comme de juste, ce n'est pas forcément des oubliettes particulières, ou un autre, j'ai peut-être un compagnon d'infortune, qui aime parler, ou qui doit parler, comme ça, pour rien, devant lui, sans arrêt, mais je ne crois pas, qu'est-ce que je ne crois pas, que j'aie un compagnon d'infortune, c'est ça, ça m'étonnerait, que leur animosité aille jusque-là, ils disent que ça m'étonnerait.

The Unnamable Segment 2079, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-2, f. 43r)

Perhaps there others here, with me, it's dark, very properly, it is not necessarily an oubliette for one, or one other, perhaps I have a companion in misfortune, fond of talking, or obliged to talk, you know, nonsense, out loud, without ceasing, but I think not, what do I not think, that I have a companion in misfortune, that's it, that would surprise me greatly, if they are nasty to me, but not to that extent, they say that wd. surprise me.

The Unnamable Segment 2079, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 93r)

Perhaps there are others here, with me, it's dark, very properluy, it is not neceassrily an oubliette for one, or one other, perhaps I have a companion in misfortune, fond of given to talkigng, or condemned to talk, you know, any old thing no matter what, out loud, without ceasing, but I think not, what do I think not, that I have a companion in misfortune, that's it, that would surprise me, they are nasty to me, loathe me, but not to that extent, they say that would surprise me.

The Unnamable Segment 2079, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 91r)

PPerhaps there are others here, with me, it's dark, very properly, it is not neceassrily an oubliette for one, or one another, perhaps I have a companion in misfortune, given yto talking, or condemned to talk, you know, any old thing, out loud, without ceasing, but I think not, what do I think not, that I have a companion in misfortune, that's it, that would surprise me, they loathe me, but not to that extent, they say that would surprise me.

The Unnamable Segment 2079, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 114)

Perhaps there are others here, with me, it's dark, very properly, it is not necessarily an oubliette for one, or one other, perhaps I have a companion in misfortune, given to talking, or condemned to talk, you know, any old thing, out loud, without ceasing, but I think not, what do I think not, that I have a companion in misfortune, that's it, that would surprise me, they loathe me, but not to that extent, they say that would surprise me.

L'Innommable Segment 2079, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 137)

Il y a peut-être d'autres ici, avec moi, il fait sombre, comme de juste, ce n'est pas forcément des oubliettes particulières, ou un autre, j'ai peut-être un compagnon d'infortune, qui aime parler, ou qui doit parler, comme ça, pour rien, devant lui, sans arrêt, mais je ne crois pas, qu'est-ce que je ne crois pas, que j'aie un compagnon d'infortune, c'est ça, ça m'étonnerait, que leur animosité aille jusque-là, ils disent que ça m'étonnerait.