Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2202
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L'Innommable Segment 2202, loose jotting 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 41r)
pas besoin de crier, un mouvement qui ne pourra plus s'arrêter, sauf de temps à autre.

L'Innommable Segment 2202, version 2 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 40v)
Et ne suffirait-il pas, sans que rien
soit changé à la chose telle quelle, telle
que toujours, sans qu'une bouche se
creuse là où nulle ride n'a jamais su
se graver, ne suffirait-il pas, de
quoi, le fil est perdu, ça ne fait rien,
prenons-en un autre, d'un petit
mouvement, d'un détail qui tombe,
se soulève, d'un petit tressaillement,
ça ferait chiquenaude, tout l'ensemble
s'en ressentirait, ça ferait boule de
neige, ce serait bientôt l'agitation
généralisée, la locomotion, des voyages
xxx d'études propres proprement
dits, d'affaires, d'études, d'agrément,
en deplacements
volontaires librement choisis, promenades
sentimentales et solitaires, [⁁] [⁁] j'indique les grandes lignes, x sports, des nuits
blanches, des exercices d'assouplissement,
ataxie, convulsions xxx [⁁] spasmes, rigidité cadavérique et dégagement de l'ossature,
ça devrait être suffisant,. j'indique
les grandes lignes, ça devrait être suffisant.
L'Innommable Segment 2202, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 199)
Et ne suffirait-il pas, sans que rien soit changé à la chose telle quelle, telle que toujours, sans qu'une bouche vienne se creuser là où même les rides n'ont jamais su se graver, ne suffirait-il pas, de quoi, le fil est perdu, tant pis, prenons-en un autre, d'un petite mouvement, d'un détail qui s'affaisse, se soulève, ça ferait chiquenaude, tout l'ensemble s'en ressentirait, ça ferait boule de neige, ce serait bientôt l'agitation généralisée, la locomotion elle-même, voyages proprement dits, d'affaires, d'études, d'agrément, déplacements librement consentis, promenades sentimentales et solitaires, j'indique les grandes lignes, sports, nuits blanches, exercices d'assouplissement, ataxie, spasmes, rigidité cadavérique, dégagement de l'ossature, ça devrait suffire.

The Unnamable Segment 2202, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-3, f. 14r)
And would
it not suffice, without any change in the
thing as it stands now stands, as it always
stood, without a mouth being dug
at the place where even furrows which
even pain could never line, would it
not suffice to, what, the thread is lost,
no matter, here's another, would a
little xxx stir not suffice, an some imperceptible
subsidence or upheaval, that would start things
off, the whole fabric would react, that would
start the ball x rolling, the disturbance would
spread to every part, locomotion itself would
ensue, trips properly so called, business
trips, pleasure trips, research expeditions,
pleasure rambling excursions jaunts, walking
honeymoons abroad and long solitary tramps, I
indicate the main trends, sports, sleepless
nights, muscular exercises, locomotor
ataxy, spasms convulsions, rigor mortis, dismantling
(revelation) (disclosure)
of the bony structure, that should suffice.

The Unnamable Segment 2202, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 111r)
And would it not suffice, without any change
in the structure of the thing as it now stands, as it always
stood, without a mouth being dug at the place which even pain
could never line, would it not suffice to, to what, the thread
is lost, no matter, here's another, would not a little stir
suffice, some tiny subsidence or upheaval, that would start things
off, the whole fabric would be infected, that would start the ball
would start[⁁] a-rolling, the disturbance would spread to every part, locomotion
itself would soon appear, trips properly so called, business trips,
pleasure trips, research expeditions, sabbatical leaves, jaunts and rambles, honeymoons at home and abroad and long sad solitary tramps [⁁] in the rain, I indicate the main
trends, sports athletics, sleepless nights tossing in bed all night,, muscular exercises, locomotor
ataxy, convulsions, rigor mortis, revelation dismantlement emergal of the bony structure,
that should suffice.

The Unnamable Segment 2202, version 6 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 108r)
And would it not suffice, without any change in
the structure of the thing as it now stands, as it always stood,
without a mouth being dug opened at the place which even pain could never
line, would it not suffice to, to what, the thread is lost, no
matter, here's another, would not a little stir suffice, some tiny
subsidebn[n]ce or upheaval, that would start things off, the whole
fabric would be infected, the ball would start a-rolling, the disturbance would spread to every part, lco locomotion itself would
soon appear, trips [|] properly so called, business trips, pleasure
trips, research expeditions, sabbatical leaves, jaunts and rambles,
honeymoons at home and abroad and l
iong sad solitary tramps in the
rain, I indicate the main trends, athletics, tossing in bed, physical
jerksn jerks, locomotor ataxy, death throes, rigor and rigor mortis,
emergal of the bony structure, that should suffice.
The Unnamable Segment 2202, version 7 (Grove Press 1958, p. 136)
And would it not suffice, without any change in the structure of the thing as it now stands, as it always stood, without a mouth being opened at the place which even pain could never line, would it not suffice to, to what, the thread is lost, no matter, here's another, would not a little stir suffice, some tiny subsidence or upheaval, that would start things off, the whole fabric would be infected, the ball would start a-rolling, the disturbance would spread to every part, locomotion itself would soon appear, trips properly so called, business trips, pleasure trips, research expeditions, sabbatical leaves, jaunts and rambles, honeymoons at home and abroad and long sad solitary tramps in the rain, I indicate the main trends, athletics, tossing in bed, physical jerks, locomotor ataxy, death throes, rigor and rigor mortis, emergal of the bony structure, that should suffice.
L'Innommable Segment 2202, version 8 (Minuit 1971, p. 162)
Et ne suffirait-il pas, sans que rien soit changé à la chose telle quelle, telle que toujours, sans qu'une bouche vienne se creuser là où même les rides n'ont jamais su se graver, ne suffirait-il pas, de quoi, le fil est perdu, tant pis, prenons-en un autre, d'un petit mouvement, d'un détail qui s'affaisse, se soulève, ça ferait chiquenaude, tout l'ensemble s'en ressentirait, ça ferait boule de neige, ce serait bientôt l'agitation généralisée, la locomotion elle-même, voyages proprement dits, d'affaires, d'études, d'agrément, déplacements librement consentis, promenades sentimentales et solitaires, j'indique les grandes lignes, sports, nuits blanches, exercices d'assouplissement, ataxie, spasmes, rigidité cadavérique, dégagement de l'ossature, ça devrait suffire.