Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2231
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L'Innommable Segment 2231, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 51v)
d'ailleurs il ne s'agit
pas de parler de moi, il s'agit de
parler, il s'agit de ne plus parler, ce
léger désarroi me semble de bon augure,
il va falloir encore que je trouve un nom
à ce dernier subrogé, avec sa tête et
les yeux remplie de viles certitudes et
ses yeux de poupée, plus tard, plus
tard, il faut d'abord le décrire un
peu plus longuement, il faut voir ce
dont il est capable, d'où il sort, très
important, et où il va, dans sa tête
bien sûr, nous nous n'allons pas retomber
dans le genre picaresque, après avoir tâté des Mahood et autres Worms,
L'Innommable Segment 2231, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 216)
D'ailleurs il ne s'agit pas de parler de moi, il s'agit de parler, il s'agit de ne plus parler, ce léger désarroi me semble de bon augure, il va falloir encore que je trouve un nom à ce dernier subrogé, avec sa tête craquant de viles certitudes et ses yeux de poupée, plus tard, plus tard, il faut d'abord le décrire plus longuement, voir ce dont il est capable, d'où il sort, très important, où il rentre, dans sa tête bien sûr, nous n'allons pas retomber dans le genre picaresque, après avoir tâté de Mahood et autres Worm.

The Unnamable Segment 2231, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-3, f. 24r)
In any case it's not a matter of
speaking of me, but of speaking, of speaking
no longer, this slight confusion augurs well,
now I'll have to find another name for this
latest surrogate, with his head splitting
with vile certainties and his doll's eyes,
later on, later, first I must describe him
in more detail, see what he is capable of,
whence he comes and whither he returns,
in his head of course, we don't intend to
relapse into picaresque, after hav with
the likes stink of Mahood and Worm still in our

The Unnamable Segment 2231, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 121r)
In any case it's not a question of speaking of me, but
pof speaking, of speaking no longer more, this slight confusion augurs
well, now I'll have to find a name for this latest surrogate,
with his head burst splitting with vile certainties and his
doll's eyes, later on, later on, first I must descrivbe him in
more detail, see what he is capable of, whence he comes and whithe
he returns, in his head of course, we don't intend to relapse
into picaresque, with the stink of Mahood and Worm still in our

The Unnamable Segment 2231, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 117r)
In any case it's not a question of
speaking of me, but of speaking, of speaking no more, this slight
confusion augurs well, now I'll have to find a name for this latest
surrogate, with his head splitting with vile certainties and his
doll's eyes, later on, later on, first I must describe him in
more detail, lo see what he is capable of, whence he comes and
whither he returns, in his head of course, we don't intend to relapse into picaresque, with the stink of Mahood and Worm still in
our nostrils.
The Unnamable Segment 2231, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 147)
In any case it's not a question of speaking of me, but of speaking, of speaking no more, this slight confusion augurs well, now I'll have to find a name for this latest surrogate, his head splitting with vile certainties and his doll's eyes, later on, later on, first I must describe him in greater detail, see what he's capable of, whence he comes and whither he returns, in his head of course, we don't intend to relapse into picaresque, with the stink of Mahood and Worm still in our nostrils.
L'Innommable Segment 2231, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 176)
D'ailleurs il ne s'agit pas de parler de moi, il s'agit de parler, il s'agit de ne plus parler, ce léger désarroi me semble de bon augure, il va falloir encore que je trouve un nom à ce dernier subrogé, avec sa tête craquant de viles certitudes et ses yeux de poupée, plus tard, plus tard, il faut d'abord le décrire plus longuement, voir ce dont il est capable, d'où il sort, très important, où il rentre, dans sa tête bien sûr, nous n'allons pas retomber dans le genre picaresque, après avoir tâté de Mahood et autres Worm.