Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2322
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L'Innommable Segment 2322, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 64v)
Celui qui parle, il a dû
voyager, il a dû voir, des hom quelques hommes,
quelques choses, il a dû être là-haut, dans
la lumière, ou bien on lui a raconté des
histoires, ou lui a fait la leçon, il a rencontré des voyageurs l'ont trouvé, ça m'innocente, qui dit, ça m'innocente, lui, c'est
lui qui le dit, ou c'est eux qui le disent,
oui, eux, c'est eux qui raisonnent, eux
qui croient, non, un seul, celui qui a
vecu , ou qui a
suivi des cours vu des ayant vécu, xxx
c'est lui qui parle dis je parle de moi, comme
si j'étais lui, et comme si je n'étais pas lui,
les deux, et comme si j'étais d'autres,
l'un après l'autre, c'est lui l'affligé,
moi je suis loin, vous entendez, il dit
que je suis loin, comme si j'étais lui, non,
comme si je n'étais pas lui, car lui n'est
pas loin, lui est ici, il dit je c'est lui qui parle,
il dit que c'est moi, puis il dit que non,
moi je suis loin, vous l'entendez, il me cherche,
je ne sais pas pourquoi, il ne sait pas pourquoi,
il m'appelle, il veut que je sorte, il croit
que je peux sortir, il veut que je sois lui,
ou quelqu'un d'autre, soyons juste, il veut que je monte,
que je monte dans lui, ou dans un autre,
il croit que ça y est, il me sent en lui, alors
il dit je, comme si j'étais lui, ou dans
un autre, alors il dit Murphy, ou Molloy,
je ne sais plus je ne sais plus, comme si j'étais Malone,
mais avec ceux les autres c'est fini, il ne
veut plus que lui, pour moi, il croit que c'est la dernière chance, il croit ça, on lui a
appris à croire, ceci, cela, c'est toujours
lui qui parle, Mercier n'a jamais
parlé, Moran n'a jamais parlé, moi
je n'ai jamais parlé, j'ai l'air de
parler, c'est parce qu'il dit je comme
si c'était moi, j'ai failli le croire moi
aussi, vous l'entendez, comme s'il était
moi, moi qui suis loin, qui ne peux
pas bouger, qui qu'on ne peut pas trouver,
mais lui aussi non plus, il ne peut que
parler, et encore, ce n'est peut-être pas
lui, c'est peut-être toute une bande,
l'un après l'autre, que cela est confus,
quelqu'un parle de confusion, est-ce une
faute, tout ici est faute, on ne sait pas
pourquoi, on ne sait pas de qui, on ne
sait pas envers qui, quelqu'un dit on,
c'est la faute des prénoms, il n'y a pas
de prénom pour moi, tout vient de là,
on dit ça, c'est une sorte de pronom, ce
n'est pas ça non plus, je ne suis pas
ça non plus, laissons tout ça, oublions
tout ça, ce n'est pas difficile, il s'agit
de quelqu'un, ou il s'agit de quelque chose,
voilà enfin, qui n'est pas là, qui est
loin, ou qui n'est nulle part, qui ou qui
est là, ici, pourquoi pas, il s'agit d'en
parler, voilà, on ne sait pas pourquoi, personne n'en ne sait pourquoi, pourquoi il
faut en parler, c'est comme ça, on ne peut pas,
personne ne peut en parler, on parle de soi,
quelqu'un parle de soi, c'est ça, au singulier, un seul, le préposé, lui, moi,
peu importe, le préposé parle de soi,
ce n'est pas ça, des autres, non plus, il
n'en sait rien, comment le saurait-il, s'il
en a parlé ou non, en parlant de lui
soi, en parlant des autres, ,
quels autres,
en parlant des choses, quels autres, quelles
choses, le préposé, en parlant de soi, c'est
moi, en parlant de moi, comment savoir,
je ne peux savoir, si j'ai parlé de lui, je
dois parler de lui, je ne peux parler que
de moi, non plus, je ne peux parler
de rien, et pourtant je parle, c'est peut-être
de lui, je ne le saurai jamais, comment
le saurais-je, qui pourrait le savoir,
qui le sachant pourrait me le dire, je
sais pas de qui il s'agit, c'est tout ce que je
sais, non je dois savoir autre chose, on a
dû m'apprendre des choses, il s'agit de lui qui ne sait rien, ne veut rien, ne peut rien, ne veut rien
si en ne rien voulant on peut ne rien pouvoir,
et qui notamment ne peut ni parler ni
entendre, qui est moi, qui ne peut être
moi, dont je ne peux parler, dont je
dois parler, tout ça c'est des hypothèses,
je n'ai rien dit, ,
il n'a rien dit quelqu'un
n'a rien dit, l'essentiel est que ça x
ceci, que il ne s'agit pas de faire des
hypothèses, il s'agit de continuer,
ça continue, les hypothèses c'est comme le
reste, ça aide à continuer, comme s'il
y avait besoin d'aide, c'est ça, à l'impersonnel, comme s'il était besoin d'aide
pour continuer une chose qui ne peut pas
s'arrêter, et pourtant si, ça s'arrêtera,
la voix dit que ça s'arrêtera, un jour,
elle dit que ça ne s'arrêtera jamais et elle
dit que ça s'arrêtera, moi je n'ai pas
d'opinion, avec quoi est-ce que j'aurai
une opinion, avec ma bouche peut-être,
il ne s'agit pas d'avoir des opinions, si c'est la mienne,
et je ne me sens pas une bouche, ça ne
veut rien dire, je vais essayer de si je
pouvais me sentir quelque chose, je vais
essayer, si je peux, je sais que ce n'est
pas moi, je dis je en sachant que ce
n'est pas moi, moi je suis loin, c'est
tout ce que je sais, loin, qu'est-ce que
c'est loin, pas besoin d'être loin, il est
je suis il est peut-être ici, dans mes bras, mes
bras, je ne me sens pas de bras, si je
pouvais me sentir d quelque chose, ce
serait un point de départ, un point de
départ, ah si je savais rire, je sais ce
que c'est, on a dû me dire ce que c'est,
mais je ne sais pas le faire, on n'a pas dû
me montrer comment le faire, ça doit être
une chose qui ne s'apprend pas.
L'Innommable Segment 2322, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 238)
Celui qui parle, il a dû voyager, il a dû voir, quelques hommes, quelques choses, il a dû être là-haut, sous la lumière, ou bien on lui a raconté des histoires, des voyageurs l'ont trouvé, ça m'innocente, qui dit, ça m'innocente, lui, c'est lui qui le dit, ou c'est eux qui le disent, oui, eux, c'est eux qui raisonnent, eux qui croient, non, un seul, celui qui a vécu, ou qui a vu des ayant vécu, c'est lui qui parle de moi, comme si j'étais lui, comme si je n'étais pas lui, les deux, et comme si j'étais d'autres, l'un après l'autre, c'est lui l'affligé, moi je suis loin, vous entendez, il dit que je suis loin, comme si j'étais lui, non, comme si je n'étais pas lui, car lui n'est pas loin, lui est ici, c'est lui qui parle, il dit que c'est moi, puis il dit que non, moi je suis loin, vous l'entendez, il me cherche, je ne sais pas pourquoi, il ne sait pas pourquoi, il m'appelle, il veut que je sorte, il croit que je peux sortir, il veut que je sois lui, ou un autre, soyons juste, il veut que je monte, que je monte dans lui, ou dans un autre, il croit que ça y est, il me sent en lui, alors il dit je, comme si j'étais lui, ou dans un autre, alors il dit Murphy, ou Molloy, je ne sais plus, comme si j'étais Malone, mais c'en est fini des autres, il ne veut plus que lui, pour moi, il croit que c'est la dernière chance, il croit cela, on lui a appris à croire, ceci, cela, c'est toujours lui qui parle, Mercier n'a jamais parlé, Moran n'a jamais parlé, moi je n'ai jamais parlé, j'ai l'air de parler, c'est parce qu'il dit je comme si c'était moi, j'ai failli le croire moi aussi, vous l'entendez, comme s'il était moi, moi qui suis loin, qui ne peux pas bouger, qu'on ne peut pas trouver, mais lui non plus, il ne peut que parler, et encore, ce n'est peut-être pas lui, c'est peut-être toute une bande, l'un après l'autre, que cela est confus, quelqu'un parle de confusion, est-ce une faute, tout ici est faute, on ne sait pas pourquoi, on ne sait pas de qui, on ne sait pas envers qui, quelqu'un dit on, c'est la faute des pronoms, il n'y a pas de nom pour moi, pas de pronom pour moi, tout vient de là, on dit ça, c'est une sorte de pronom, ce n'est pas ça non plus, je ne suis pas ça non plus, laissons tout ça, oublions tout ça, ce n'est pas difficile, il s'agit de quelqu'un, ou il s'agit de quelque chose, voilà enfin, qui n'est pas là, qui est loin, ou qui n'est nulle part, ou qui est là, ici, pourquoi pas, après tout, il s'agit d'en parler, voilà, on ne sait pas pourquoi, pourquoi il faut en parler, c'est comme ça, on ne peut pas, personne ne peut en parler, on parle de soi, quelqu'un parle de soi, c'est ça, au singulier, un seul, le préposé, lui, moi, peu importe, le préposé parle de soi, ce n'est pas ça, d'autrui, non plus, il n'en sait rien, comment le saurait-il, s'il en a parlé ou non, en parlant de soi, en parlant d'autrui, en parlant des choses, quel autrui, quelles choses, le préposé, en parlant de soi, c'est moi, en parlant de moi, comment savoir, je ne peux savoir, si j'ai parlé de lui, je dois parler de lui, je ne peux parler que de moi, non plus, je ne peux parler de rien, et pourtant je parle, c'est peut-être de lui, je ne le saurai jamais, comment le saurais-je, qui pourrait le savoir, qui le sachant pourrait me le dire, je ne sais pas de qui il s'agit, c'est tout ce que je sais, non, je dois savoir autre chose, on a dû m'apprendre des choses, il s'agit de lui qui ne sait rien, ne veut rien, ne peut rien, si en ne rien voulant on peut ne rien pouvoir, qui ne peut ni parler ni entendre, qui est moi, qui ne peut être moi, dont je ne peux parler, dont je dois parler, tout ça c'est des hypothèses, je n'ai rien dit, quelqu'un n'a rien dit, il ne s'agit pas de faire des hypothèses, il s'agit de continuer, ça continue, les hypothèses c'est comme le reste, ça aide à continuer, comme s'il y avait besoin d'aide, c'est ça, à l'impersonnel, comme s'il était besoin d'aide pour continuer une chose qui ne peut s'arrêter, et pourtant si, ça s'arrêtera, vous entendez, la voix dit que ça s'arrêtera, un jour, elle dit que ça ne s'arrêtera jamais et elle dit que ça s'arrêtera, moi je n'ai pas d'opinion, avec quoi aurais-je une opinion, avec ma bouche peut-être, si c'est la mienne, je ne me sens pas une bouche, ça ne veut rien dire, si je pouvais me sentir une bouche, si je pouvais me sentir quelque chose, je vais essayer, si je peux, je sais que ce n'est pas moi, c'est tout ce que je sais, je dis je en sachant que ce n'est pas moi, moi je suis loin, c'est tout ce que je sais, loin, qu'est-ce que c'est loin, pas besoin d'être loin, il est peut-être ici, dans mes bras, mes bras, je ne me sens pas de bras, si je pouvais me sentir quelque chose, ce serait un point de départ, un point de départ, ah si je savais rire, je sais ce que c'est, on a dû me dire ce que c'est, mais je ne sais pas le faire, on n'a pas dû me montrer comment le faire, ça doit être une chose qui ne s'apprend pas.

The Unnamable Segment 2322, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-3, f. 38r)
He must have
journeyed, he whose voice it is, he must
have seen, with his eyes, a man or two,
a thing or two, he must have been aloft,
under the light, or else he has been
told stories, travellers found him and
told him stories, that proves my innocence,
who says, That proves my innocence,
he, it's he says it, or it's they say it, yes,
they, they who reason, they who believe,
no, a single one, he who lived, or saw
some who had, it's he speaks of me, as
if I were he, as if I were not he, both,
and as if I were others, one after
the other, he is the afflicted, I am far
afar, do you hear him, he says I am
afar, as if I were he, no, as if I were
not he, for he is not afar, he is here,
it's he who speaks, he says it's I, then
he says it's not, I am afar, do you
hear him, he's seeking me, I don't
know why, he doesn't know why, he's
calling me, he wants me to come out,
he thinks I can come out, he wants me
to be he, or someone else another, let us be fair,
he wants me to come rise up, to come rise up into him,
or into a someone else another, he thinks let us
be impartial, he thinks he's got me,
he feels me in him, then he says I, as if I
were in, or in another, then he says
Murphy, or Molloy, I forget, as if I
were Malone, but their day is their day is
past and gone, he wants no one but himself,
for me, he thinks it's the las his last
chance, he thinks that, they taught him
how to think, this, that, it's always he
who speaks, Mercier never spoke, Moran
never spoke, I never spoke, I seem to
speak, that's because he says I as if it
were I, I too nearly believed he nearly
took me in too, do you hear him, as if
he were I, I who am afar, who can't
move, who can't be found, but neither
can he, all he can do is talk, if he can
do that much, perhaps it's not he,
perhaps it's a band, one after the other,
how confused that is, someone speaks
of confusion, is it a fault, all here
is fault, you don't know why, you
don't know whose, you don't know
at whose expense towards whom,
someone says you, it's the fault of the
pronouns, there is no name for me, no
pronoun for me, all the trouble comes
from that, you say that, it's a kind
of pronoun, it isn't that either,
I'm not that either, let us have
leave all that, forget about all that,
it's not difficult, our concern is with
someone, or our concern is with something,
there we are at last, that is not here,
there, or that is not anywhere, or that
is there, here, why not, after all,
and with speaking of that, now we have
it, you don't know why, why you must
speak of that, but there it is, you can't,
no one can speak of that, you speak
of yourself, someone speaks of himself,
that's it, in the singular, a single one,
the appointed, he, I, no matter, the
appointed speaks of himself, it's not
that, of others, not that either,
he doesn't know, how could he know,
whether he has spoken of it or not
when speaking of himself, when
speaking of others, when speaking of
things, the appointed, when speaking
of himself, it's I, when speaking of
myself, how can I know, I can't know,
if I've spoken of him, I can only speak
of me, no, I can't speak of anything,
and yet I speak, perhaps it's of him,
I'll never know, how could I know,
who could know, who knowing could
tell me, I don't know who it's all about,
that's all I know, no, I must know
something else, they must have taught
me something, it's about him who
knows nothing, wants nothing, can nothing,
does not know anything, does not want
anything, is not capable of incapable of anything,
if when you want nothing it is possible to
be incapable of any don't want anything it
is possible to be incapable of anything, who
can neither speak nor hear, who is I, who
cannot be I, of whom I can't speak, of
whom I must speak, that that is all
hypotheses, I said didn't say anything,
someone didn't say anything, it is not
a question of hypotheses, it's a question
of going on, it goes on, hypotheses are
like everything else, they xx help you to
go on, as if there were xxx there were need
of help, that's right, impersonally, as
if there were need of help to go on with
a thing that can't stop, and yet it
will, it will stop, do you hear, the
voice says it will stop, some day, it
says it will never stop and it says it
will stop, personally I have no opinion,
what would I have an opinion with,
with my mouth perhaps, if it's mine,
I don't feel a mouth on me, that means
nothing, if I could only feel a mouth
on me, if I could feel something on me,
I'll try, if I can, I know it's not I,
that's all I know, I say I knowing
it is not I, I am afar, that's all
I know, afar, what does that
mean, afar, no need to be afar,
perhaps he is here, in my arms, my
arms, I don't feel any arms on me,
if I could only feel something on me,
it would a starting point, a starting
point, ah if I could only laugh, I
know what it is, they must have told
me what it is, but I can't do,
they can't have shown me how to do,
it must be one of those things that can't
be taught acquired.

The Unnamable Segment 2322, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 133r)
[| ]He must have travelled, he whose voice it
is, he must have seen, with his eyes, a man or two, a thing or
two, he must have been aloft, under in the light, or else he has
heard tales, travellers found him out and told him tales, that
procves my innocence, who says; says, That proves my innocence,
he, it's he who says it, or it's they who say it, yes, they,
they who reason, they who believe, , no no, a single one, he who
lived, or saw some who had, it's he who speaks of me, as if I
were he, as if I were not he, both, and as if I were others, one
after the other, he is the afflicted, I am afar, do you hear him,
he says I'm afar, as if I were he, no, as if I were not he, for
he is not afar, he is here, it's he who speaks, he says it's I,
then he says it's not, I am afar, do you hear him, he seeks me,
I don't know why, he doesn't know why, he calls me, he wants me
to come out, he thinks I can come out, he wants me to be he, or
another, let us be fair, he wants me to rise up, up into him, or into another, let us be impartial, he thinks he's got caught me,
he feels me inside him in him, then he says I, as if I were he,
or in another, let us be just, then he says Murphy, or Molloy,
I forget, as if I were Malone, but their day is past and gone over,
he wants none but himself, for me, , he thinks it's his last chanc
chance, he thinks that, they taught him out how to think, this, that,
it's always he who speaks, I never spoke Mercier never spoke,
Moran never spoke, I never spoke, I seem to speak, that's because
he says I as if it were I, I nearly believed him too, do you hear
him, as if he were I, I who am afar, who can't move, can't be
found, but neither can he, all he can sdo is talk, if he can do
that much, perhaps it's not he at all, perhaps it's a band multitude,
one after the other, how confused that is what confusion, someone speaks of mentions confusion, is it a fault sin, all here is fault sin, you don't know why,
you don't know whose, you don't know towards whom, someone says
you, it's the fault of the pronouns, there is no name for me,
no pronoun for me, all the trouble comes from that, that, it's
a kind of pronoun too, it isn't that either, I'm not that either,
let us leave all that, forget about all that, it's not difficult,
our concern is with someone, or ouer concern is with something,
there we are [⁁] now we've got it at last, someone or something that is not there, or
that is not anywhere, or that is there, here, why not, after all,
and our concern is with speaking of that, now we have it, you don't
know why, why you must speak of that, but there it is, you can't,
no one can speak of that, you speak of yourself, someone speaks
of himself, that's it, in the singular, a single one, the man
on duty, he, I, no matter, the man on duty speaks of himself,
it's not that, of others, it's not that either, he doesn't know,
how could he know whether he has spoken of that or not when
speaking of himself, when speaking of others, when speaking of
things, the man on duty, when speaking of himself, it's I, when
speaking of myself, how can I know, I can't know, if I've spoken
of him, I can only speak of me, no, I can't speak of anything,
and yet I speak, perhaps it's of him, I'll never know, how could
I know, who could know, who knowing could tell me, I don't know who it's all about, that's all I know, no, I must know something
else, they must have taught me something, it's about him who
does not doesn't know anything, does not doesn't want anything, canno't do anything, if it is it's possible that you canno't do anything when you
don't want anything, who can neither speak nor hear, who is I,
who cannot be I, of whom I can't speak, of whom I must speak,
that is that's all hypotheses, I didn't say anything said nothing, someone didn't
say anything said nothing, it is it's not a question of hypotheses, it's a question
of going on, it goes on, hypotheses are like everything else,
they help you on, as if there were need of help, that's right,
impersonally, as if there were any need of help to go on with
a thing that can't stop, and yet it will, it will stop, do you
hear, the voice says it will stop, some day, it says it will
stop and it says it will never stop, fortunately I have no opinion, what would I have an opinion with, with my mouth perhaps,
if it's mine, I don't feel a mouth on me, that means nothing, if
I could only feel a mouth on me, if I could only feel something
on me, I'll try, if I can, I know it's not I, that's all I know,
I say I, knowing it is it's not I, I am afar, that's all I know, afar,
what does that mean, afar, no need to be afar, perhaps he is he's here,
in my arms, my arms, I don't feel any arms on me, if I could only
feel something on me, it would be a starting-point, a starting-point, ah if I could only laugh, I know what it is, they must
have told me what it is, but I can't do it, they can't have shown
me how to do it, it must be one of those gifts faculties that cannot be

The Unnamable Segment 2322, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 129r)
He must have travelled, he whose voice
it is, he must have seen, with his eyes, a man or two, a thing or
two, been aloft, in the light, or else heard tales, travellers
found him and told him tales, that proves my innocence, who says,
That proves my innocence, he says it, or they say it, []yes, they who
reason, they who believe, no, in the singular, he who lived, or
saw some who had, he speaks of me, as if I were he, as if I were not
he, both, and as if I were others, one after another, he is the
afflicted, I am far, do you hear him, he says I'm far, as if I were
he, no, as if I were not he, for he is not far, he is heer[r]e, it's he
who speaks, he says it's I, then he says it's not, I am far, do you
hear him, he seeks men, I don't know why, he doesn't know why, he
calls me, he wants me to come out, he thinks I can come out, he
wants me to be he, or another, let us be fair, he wants me to rise
up, up into him, or up into another, let us be impartial, he thinks
he's caught me, fh[h]e feels me in him, then he says I, as if I were
he, or in another, let us be just, then he says Myr Murphy, or
Molloy, I forget, as if I were Malone, but their day is done, he
wants none but himself, for me, he thinks it's his last chance,
he thinks that, they taught him thinking, it's always he who speaks,
Mercuier never spoke, Moran never spoke, I never spoke, that's because I seem to speak, that's because he says I as if it were I, I
nearly beliecv[v]ed him, do you hear him, as if eh were I, I who
am far, who can't mov
re, can't be found, but neither can he, he
can only talk, if that much, perhaps [|] it's not he, perhaps it's
a multitude, one after another, what confusion, someone mentions
confusion, is it a sin, all here is sin, you don't know why, you
don't know whose, you don't know against whom, someone says you,
it's the fault of the pronouns, there is no name for me, no pronoun for me, all the tr
houble comes from that, that, it's a kind
of pronoun too, it isn't that either, I'm not that either, let us
leave all that, forget about all that, it's not difficult, our
concer,n is with someone, or our concern is with something, now
we're getting it, someone or something that is not there, or that
is not anywhere, or that is there, here, why not, after all, and
our concern is with speaking of that, now we've got it, you don't
know why, why you must speak of that, but there it is, you can't
speak of that, no one can speak of that, you speak of yourself,
someone speaks of himself, that's it, in the singualr , a single
one, the man on duty, he, I, no matter, the man on duty speaks of
himself, it's not that, of others, it's not that either, he doesn't
know, how could he know, whether he ahs
spoken of that or not,
when speaking of himself, when speaking of others, when speaking
of things, how can I know, I can't know, if I've spoken of him,
I can only speak of me, no, I can't speak of anything, and yet I
speak, perhaps it's of him, I'll never know, how could I know,
who could know, who knowing could tell me, I don't know wh
io it's
all about, that's all I know, no, I must know wsomething else, they
must have taught me something, it's about him who wants nothigng,
knows nothing, wants nothing, can do nothing, if it's possible
you can do nothing when you want nothing, who cannot hear, cannot
speak, who is I, who cannot be I. I, of whom I can't speak, of
whom I must speak, that's all hypotheses, I said nothing, someone
said nothing, it's not a question of hypotheses, it's a question of going on, it goes on, hypotheses are like everything else,
they help you on, as if there were need of help, that's right,
impersonal, as if there were any need of help to go on with a thing
that can't stop, and yet it will, it will stop, do you hear, the
voice says it will stop, some day, it says it will stop and it says
it will never stop, fortunately I have no opinion, what would I have
an opinion with, with my mouth perhaps, if it's mine, I don't feel
a mouth on me, that means nothing, if only I could feel a mouth on
me, if only I could feel something on me, I'll try, if I can, I
know it's not I, that's all I know, I say I, knowing it's not I,
I am far, far, what does that mean, far, no need to be far, perhaps
he's here, in my arms, I don't feel any arms on me, if only I
could feel something on me, it would be a starting-point, a starting-point, ah if I could laugh, I know what it is, they must have told
me what it is, but I can't do it, they can't have shown me how to
do it, perhaps it's one of those gifts that can't be acquired.
The Unnamable Segment 2322, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 163)
He must have travelled, he whose voice it is, he must have seen, with his eyes, a man or two, a thing or two, been aloft, in the light, or else heard tales, travellers found him and told him tales, that proves my innocence, who says, That proves my innocence, he says it, or they say it, yes, they who reason, they who believe, no, in the singular, he who lived, or saw some who had, he speaks of me, as if I were he, as if I were not he, both, and as if I were others, one after another, he is the afflicted, I am far, do you hear him, he says I'm far, as if I were he, no, as if I were not he, for he is not far, he is here, it's he who speaks, he says it's I, then he says it's not, I am far, do you hear him, he seeks me I don't know why, he doesn't know why, he calls me, he wants me to come out, he thinks I can come out, he wants me to be he, or another, let us be fair, he wants me to rise up, up into him, or up into another, let us be impartial, he thinks he's caught me, he feels me in him, then he says I, as if I were he, or in another, let us be just, then he says Murphy, or Molloy, I forget, as if I were Malone, but their day is done, he wants none but himself, for me, he thinks it's his last chance, he thinks that, they taught him thinking, it's always he who speaks, Mercier never spoke, Moran never spoke, I never spoke, I seem to speak, that's because he says I as if he were I, I nearly believed him, do you hear him, as if he were I, I who am far, who can't move, can't be found, but neither can he, he can only talk, if that much, perhaps it's not he, perhaps it's a multitude, one after another, what confusion, someone mentions confusion, is it a sin, all here is sin, you don't know why, you don't know whose, you don't know against whom, someone says you, it's the fault of the pronouns, there is no name for me, no pronoun for me, all the trouble comes from that, that, it's a kind of pronoun too, it isn't that either, I'm not that either, let us leave all that, forget about all that, it's not difficult, our concern is with someone, or our concern is with something, now we're getting it, someone or something that is not there, or that is not anywhere, or that is there, here, why not, after all, and our concern is with speaking of that, now we've got it, you don't know why, why you must speak of that, but there it is, you can't speak of that, no one can speak of that, you speak of yourself, someone speaks of himself, that's it, in the singular, a single one, the man on duty, he, I, no matter, the man on duty speaks of himself, it's not that, of others, it's not that either, he doesn't know, how could he know, whether he has spoken of that or not, when speaking of himself, when speaking of others, when speaking of things, how can I know, I can't know, if I've spoken of him, I can only speak of me, no, I can't speak of anything, and yet I speak, perhaps it's of him, I'll never know, how could I know, who could know, who knowing could tell me, I don't know who it's all about, that's all I know, no, I must know something else, they must have taught me something, it's about him who knows nothing, wants nothing, can do nothing, if it's possible you can do nothing when you want nothing, who cannot hear, cannot speak, who is I, who cannot be I, of whom I can't speak, of whom I must speak, that's all hypotheses, I said nothing, someone said nothing, it's not a question of hypotheses, it's a question of going on, it goes on, hypotheses are like everything else, they help you on, as if there were need of help, that's right, impersonal, as if there were any need of help to go on with a thing that can't stop, and yet it will, it will stop, do you hear, the voice says it will stop, some day, it says it will stop and it says it will never stop, fortunately I have no opinion, what would I have an opinion with, with my mouth perhaps, if it's mine, I don't feel a mouth on me, that means nothing, if only I could feel a mouth on me, if only I could feel something on me, I'll try, if I can, I know it's not I, that's all I know, I say I, knowing it's not I, I am far, far, what does that mean, far, no need to be far, perhaps he's here, in my arms, I don't feel any arms on me, if only I could feel something on me, it would be a starting-point, a starting-point, ah if I could laugh, I know what it is, they must have told me what it is, but I can't do it, they can't have shown me how to do it, perhaps it's one of those gifts that can't be acquired.
L'Innommable Segment 2322, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 194)
Celui qui parle, il a dû voyager, il a dû voir, quelques hommes, quelques choses, il a dû être là-haut, sous la lumière, ou bien on lui a raconté des histoires, des voyageurs l'ont trouvé, ça m'innocente, qui dit, ça m'innocente, lui, c'est lui qui le dit, ou c'est eux qui le disent, oui, eux, c'est eux qui raisonnent, eux qui croient, non, un seul, celui qui a vécu, ou qui a vu des ayant vécu, c'est lui qui parle de moi, comme si j'étais lui, comme si je n'étais pas lui, les deux, et comme si j'étais d'autres, l'un après l'autre, c'est lui l'affligé, moi je suis loin, vous entendez, il dit que je suis loin, comme si j'étais lui, non, comme si je n'étais pas lui, car lui n'est pas loin, lui est ici, c'est lui qui parle, il dit que c'est moi, puis il dit que non, moi je suis loin, vous l'entendez, il me cherche, je ne sais pas pourquoi, il ne sait pas pourquoi, il m'appelle, il veut que je sorte, il croit que je peux sortir, il veut que je sois lui, ou un autre, soyons juste, il veut que je monte, que je monte dans lui, ou dans un autre, il croit que ça y est, il me sent en lui, alors il dit je, comme si j'étais lui, ou dans un autre, alors il dit Murphy, ou Molloy, je ne sais plus, comme si j'étais Malone, mais c'en est fini des autres, il ne veut plus que lui, pour moi, il croit que c'est la dernière chance, il croit cela, on lui a appris à croire, ceci, cela, c'est toujours lui qui parle, Mercier n'a jamais parlé, Moran n'a jamais parlé, moi je n'ai jamais parlé, j'ai l'air de parler, c'est parce qu'il dit je comme si c'était moi, j'ai failli le croire moi aussi, vous l'entendez, comme s'il était moi, moi qui suis loin, qui ne peux pas bouger, qu'on ne peut pas trouver, mais lui non plus, il ne peut que parler, et encore, ce n'est peut-être pas lui, c'est peut-être toute une bande, l'un après l'autre, que cela est confus, quelqu'un parle de confusion, est-ce une faute, tout ici est faute, on ne sait pas pourquoi, on ne sait pas de qui, on ne sait pas envers qui, quelqu'un dit on, c'est la faute des pronoms, il n'y a pas de nom pour moi, pas de pronom pour moi, tout vient de là, on dit ça, c'est une sorte de pronom, ce n'est pas ça non plus, je ne suis pas ça non plus, laissons tout ça, oublions tout ça, ce n'est pas difficile, il s'agit de quelqu'un, ou il s'agit de quelque chose, voilà enfin, qui n'est pas là, qui est loin, ou qui n'est nulle part, ou qui est là, ici, pourquoi pas, après tout, il s'agit d'en parler, voilà, on ne sait pas pourquoi, pourquoi il faut en parler, c'est comme ça, on ne peut pas, personne ne peut en parler, on parle de soi, quelqu'un parle de soi, c'est ça, au singulier, un seul, le préposé, lui, moi, peu importe, le préposé parle de soi, ce n'est pas ça, d'autrui, non plus, il n'en sait rien, comment le saurait-il, s'il en a parlé ou non, en parlant de soi, en parlant d'autrui, en parlant des choses, quel autrui, quelles choses, le préposé, en parlant de soi, c'est moi, en parlant de moi, comment savoir, je ne peux savoir, si j'ai parlé de lui, je dois parler de lui, je ne peux parler que de moi, non plus, je ne peux parler de rien, et pourtant je parle, c'est peut-être de lui, je ne le saurai jamais, comment le saurais-je, qui pourrait le savoir, qui le sachant pourrait me le dire, je ne sais pas de qui il s'agit, c'est tout ce que je sais, non, je dois savoir autre chose, on a dû m'apprendre des choses, il s'agit de lui qui ne sait rien, ne veut rien, ne peut rien, si en ne rien voulant on peut ne rien pouvoir, qui ne peut ni parler ni entendre, qui est moi, qui ne peut être moi, dont je ne peux parler, dont je dois parler, tout ça c'est des hypothèses, je n'ai rien dit, quelqu'un n'a rien dit, il ne s'agit pas de faire des hypothèses, il s'agit de continuer, ça continue, les hypothèses c'est comme le reste, ça aide à continuer, comme s'il y avait besoin d'aide, c'est ça, à l'impersonnel, comme s'il était besoin d'aide pour continuer une chose qui ne peut s'arrêter, et pourtant si, ça s'arrêtera, vous entendez, la voix dit que ça s'arrêtera, un jour, elle dit que ça ne s'arrêtera jamais et elle dit que ça s'arrêtera, moi je n'ai pas d'opinion, avec quoi aurais-je une opinion, avec ma bouche peut-être, si c'est la mienne, je ne me sens pas une bouche, ça ne veut rien dire, si je pouvais me sentir une bouche, si je pouvais me sentir quelque chose, je vais essayer, si je peux, je sais que ce n'est pas moi, c'est tout ce que je sais, je dis je en sachant que ce n'est pas moi, moi je suis loin, c'est tout ce que je sais, loin, qu'est-ce que c'est loin, pas besoin d'être loin, il est peut-être ici, dans mes bras, mes bras, je ne me sens pas de bras, si je pouvais me sentir quelque chose, ce serait un point de départ, un point de départ, ah si je savais rire, je sais ce que c'est, on a dû me dire ce que c'est, mais je ne sais pas le faire, on n'a pas dû me montrer comment le faire, ça doit être une chose qui ne s'apprend pas.