Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 378
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Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 1 (MS-UoR-1227-7-7-1, f. 19r)
Be again in the dingle on a Xmas Eve, with my nanny, picking xx picking holly.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 2 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-1, f. 3r)
Be again in the dingle on a Xmas Eve, picking holly.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-2, f. 5r)
Be again in the dingle on a Christmas Eve, picking gathering holly.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-3, f. 6r)
Be again in the dingle on a Christmas Eve, gathering holly.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-4, f. 6r)
Be again in the dingle on a Christmas Eve, gathering holly, the red-berried.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 6 (MS-UoR-1659, f. 7r)
Be again in the dingle on a Christmas Eve, gathering holly, the red-berried.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 7 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-5, f. 7r)
Be again in the dingle on a Christmazs Eve, gathering holly, the red-berried.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 8 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-7, f. 8r)
Be again in the dingle on a Christmas Eve, gathering holly, the red-berried.
Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 9 (Faber and Faber 1959, p. 18)
Be again in the dingle on a Christmas Eve, gathering holly, the red-berried.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 10 (MS-SYR-GP-95, f. 26r)
Be again in the dingle on a Christmas Eve, gathering holly, the red-berried.

La Dernière Bande Segment 378, version 11 (MS-HRC-SB-4-2-6, f. 8r)
Sois de nouveau dans le vallon une veille de Noël à cueillir le houx, celui à bzaies rouges.
La Dernière Bande Segment 378, version 12 (Les Lettres Nouvelles, p. 12)
Sois de nouveau dans le vallon une veille de Noël à cueillir le houx, celui à baies rouges.
La Dernière Bande Segment 378, version 13 (Minuit 1959, p. 30)
Sois de nouveau dans le vallon une veille de Noël à cueillir le houx, celui à baies rouges.

Krapp's Last Tape Segment 378, version 14 (MS-HRC-SB-5-4, f. 21r)
Be again in the dingle on a Christmas Eve, gathering holly, the red-berried.