The Divine Comedy
London :
Dent ;
New York :
Dutton , 1967
Everyman's Library n. 308
Henry Cary (translation)
Edmund Gardner (introduction)
Mario Praz (foreword)
Location: Beckett International Foundation, The University of Reading
Beckett may be referring to the 'shades' of The Divine Comedy on page 12r of the manuscript of That Time, MS-UoR-1477-1.
Available scans ▿cover, tp.
Henry Cary (translation)
Edmund Gardner (introduction)
Mario Praz (foreword)
Location: Beckett International Foundation, The University of Reading
Beckett may be referring to the 'shades' of The Divine Comedy on page 12r of the manuscript of That Time, MS-UoR-1477-1.
Available scans ▿cover, tp.