Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

[⁁]that time in the Post Office that was another
another refuge out of the cold
& wet that time in the Post Office
pushed open the door like anyone
else and made straight for the
table neither right nor left xxx straight to the
xxxxxx xxx
long table with all the forms to fill
[0047] in and xxx the ballpoint kindly
provided at the end of a chain sat
down and was taking a look round
for once before dozing away [0050] perhaps
just fear of attack or expulsion ejection
xxx having clearly no business in
the place not to mention your personal
appearance & monopolizing into the bargain
[0050] xxx space that could ill be spared xx took a
look around then with some apprehension
at your fellow men & women thanking God
again xxx what bad & all as you were you
were not as they till it began to dawn
that for all the attention you were getting
you might as well not have been there at
[0050] all the eyes passing over you and going
through you as though you were so much
thin air never resting on you with the
usual abhorrence but passing by you or
over you or going through you as though
you were so much thin air was that
the time or was that another time an
earlier time a later time
[0001] difference of source and theme
Switches of source and theme
should be enough to distinguish
these shades of the source
xxx xxx xxx xxx to another
source or themenever xxxxing nor xxxing xx x xxx
and xxx
[0057|001] 5 s [0057] Silence. [0057|002] Ten seconds. [0058] Breath just audible.
[0059] After 3 seconds eyes open.
C4 [0047] always winter then year after
year or xx as if it couldn't
die the old year couldn't
die end stuck in December the day after day the shortest day the longest night
short days & long nights xxx
xx dark & damp & cold like
xxx xxx xx xx xxx time could
go no further xx earth go no further
[0001] The differentiation of A B C
as shades of the same shd.
be sufficiently conveyed
by diversity of source &
theme. If not it may be
indicated by selective
- Segments
- Titles
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt