The Vision; or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise
London: Bell and Daldy, 1869
Author's Corrected Edition
Henry Francis Cary (translation)
Inscription:'[M.G. Evershed] / £ 2,00 // Bequeathed by / M.A. Orr / to / Barbara Reynolds / Oct. 1949.'
Beckett may be referring to the 'shades' of The Divine Comedy on page 12r of the manuscript of That Time, MS-UoR-1477-1.
Available scans ▿cover, inscription, colophon, tp.
London: Bell and Daldy, 1869
Henry Francis Cary (translation)
Beckett may be referring to the 'shades' of The Divine Comedy on page 12r of the manuscript of That Time, MS-UoR-1477-1.
Available scans ▿cover, inscription, colophon, tp.