Student library info ▿The Student library info pertains to the period when Beckett was a student at Trinity College Dublin (1923-1927) and a lecturer at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and TCD (1928-1931). It explains when he is thought to have acquired and read the book in question, based on his inscription, as well as various external sources including the official TCD college calendars, his 'Dream' Notebook, and his letters.Read: by September 1931.
Source:The Letters of Samuel Beckett, vol. I, 1929-1940, p. 90.
Paris: Société d'édition " Les belles lettres ", 1925
Victor Bérard (translation)
- 3 volumes;
- postcard inserted on page 61 of volume 2. The postcard is of Dürer's painting of the two praying hands, and there are holes in the top centre suggesting that it has been hung on a wall by a nail or the like. Poststamp is Kassel, 16 February 1932, and is addressed to Beckett at École Normale. Sender is presumably Cissie Sinclair: "Feb 16th Am sending the things you left here on today. I was waiting to know your permanent address but as that is not forthcoming apparently . . . Am disappointed not to hear from you and hope you are alright. Things as usual here, only more so. Lebewohl C.[bottom left:] I hope you got the [sleevelinks?] alright.[bottom right:] Contents of packet 1 Scarf 1 silk handkerchief 2 pair socks 1 scissors (in socks)".
- Last pages of volume 3, ie the section 'Chant XXIV', are uncut.
Available scans ▿cover, tp, 61insertrecto, 61insertverso.
Paris: Société d'édition " Les belles lettres ", 1925
Victor Bérard (translation)
- 3 volumes;
- postcard inserted on page 61 of volume 2. The postcard is of Dürer's painting of the two praying hands, and there are holes in the top centre suggesting that it has been hung on a wall by a nail or the like. Poststamp is Kassel, 16 February 1932, and is addressed to Beckett at École Normale. Sender is presumably Cissie Sinclair: "Feb 16th Am sending the things you left here on today. I was waiting to know your permanent address but as that is not forthcoming apparently . . . Am disappointed not to hear from you and hope you are alright. Things as usual here, only more so. Lebewohl C.[bottom left:] I hope you got the [sleevelinks?] alright.[bottom right:] Contents of packet 1 Scarf 1 silk handkerchief 2 pair socks 1 scissors (in socks)".
- Last pages of volume 3, ie the section 'Chant XXIV', are uncut.
Available scans ▿cover, tp, 61insertrecto, 61insertverso.