Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 931
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Malone meurt Segment 931, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-7-4, f. 06v)
Paques - celui qui
m'a s me sauva, il y aura bientot 20 siècles.

Malone meurt Segment 931, version 2 (MS-HRC-SB-7-4, f. 07r)
En ce cas Dans le cas affirmatif ce chant que je viens d'entendre, et qui à vrai dire ne s'est pas encore tout à fait calmé en moi, a pu aurait-il très bien être été en l'honneur de celui qui le premier ressuscita d'entre les morts, de celui qui me sauva, il y aura bientôt 20 siècles?
Malone meurt Segment 931, version 3 (Minuit 1951, p. 62)
Dans le cas affirmatif ce chant que je viens d'entendre, et qui à vrai dire ne s'est pas encore tout à fait calmé en moi, n'aurait-il pas été tout simplement en l'honneur de celui qui le premier ressuscita d'entre les morts, de celui qui me sauva, vingt siècles à l'avance?

Malone Dies Segment 931, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-2-47, f. 43r)
If it can, could not this song I have just heard, and which quite franjkly is not quit yet quite stilled within me, could not this song have simply been to the hnour and honour and glory of him who was the first to rise from the dead, to him who saved me, twenty centuries in advance?

Malone Dies Segment 931, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-4-3, f. 43r)
If it can could not this song I have just heard, and which quite franjkly is not quit yet quite stilled within me, could not this song have simply been to the hnour and honour and glory of him who was the first to rise from the dead, to him who saved me, twenty centuries in advance?

Malone Dies Segment 931, version 6 (MS-UoR-1227-7-11-1, f. 43r)
If it can could not this song I have just heard, and which quite franjkly is not quit yet quite stilled within me, could not this song have simply been to the hnour and honour and glory of him who was the first to rise from the dead, to him who saved me, twenty centuries in advance?
Malone Dies Segment 931, version 7 (Grove Press 1956, p. 33)
If it can, could not this song I have just heard, and which quite frankly is not yet quite stilled within me, could not this song have simply been to the honour and glory of him who was the first to rise from the dead, to him who saved me, twenty centuries in advance?
Malone meurt Segment 931, version 8 (Minuit 1971, p. 56)
Dans le cas affirmatif ce chant que je viens d'entendre, et qui à vrai dire ne s'est pas encore tout à fait calmé en moi, n'aurait-il pas été tout simplement en l'honneur de celui qui le premier ressuscita d'entre les morts, de celui qui me sauva, vingt siècles à l'avance?