Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 1034
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Malone meurt Segment 1034, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-7-4, f. 12r)
Et il objecta ensuite que même sans le casser, ni le perdre, son fils, s'il recevait le stylo tout de suite, et même en supposant qu'il ne le cassât ni ne le perdît, aurait le temps de s'y habituer tellement, d'en connaître si intimement les défauts, en le comparant avec les stylos de ses camarades plus fortunés, que sa possession ne le tenterait plus.
Malone meurt Segment 1034, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 67)
Il objecta ensuite que son fils, s'il recevait le stylo tout de suite, et en supposant qu'il ne le cassât ni ne le perdît, aurait le temps de s'y habituer tellement, de connaître si intimement ses défauts, en le comparant avec les stylos de ses camarades plus fortunés, que sa possession ne le tenterait plus.

Malone Dies Segment 1034, version 3 (MS-WU-MSS008-2-47, f. 47r)
He then[⁁] secondly [secondly] objected that his son, if he rece[⁁][e]ived the pen immediately, and assuming he neither broke nor lost it, would have time to get so used to it and, by comparing it with the pens of his less impoverished friends, so familiar with its defects, that its possession would no longer tempt him.

Malone Dies Segment 1034, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-4-3, f. 47r)
He then secondly objected that his son, if he rece[⁁]ived the pen immediately, and assuming he neither broke nor lost it, would have time to get so used to it and, by comparing it with the pens of his less impoverished friends, so familiar with its defects, that its possession would no longer tempt him.

Malone Dies Segment 1034, version 5 (MS-UoR-1227-7-11-1, f. 47r)
He then secondly objected that his son, if he rece[⁁]ived the pen immediately, and assuming he neither broke nor lost it, would have time to get so used to it and, by comparing it with the pens of his less impoverished friends, so familiar with its defects, that its possession would no longer tempt him.
Malone Dies Segment 1034, version 6 (Grove Press 1956, p. 36)
He secondly objected that his son, if he received the pen immediately, and assuming he neither broke nor lost it, would have time to get so used to it and, by comparing it with the pens of his less impoverished friends, so familiar with its defects, that its possession would no longer tempt him.
Malone meurt Segment 1034, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 61)
Il objecta ensuite que son fils, s'il recevait le stylo tout de suite, et en supposant qu'il ne le cassât ni ne le perdît, aurait le temps de s'y habituer tellement, de connaître si intimement ses défauts, en le comparant avec les stylos de ses camarades plus fortunés, que sa possession ne le tenterait plus.