Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 1335
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Malone meurt Segment 1335, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-7-4, f. 30r)
Et j'ai pu constater que toutes ces grandes superficies, ou m peut-être mieux infraficies, aussi bien l'horizontale que les droites, ont sensiblement blêmi aussi, depuis la dernière la dernière inspection, ce qui est d'autant plus frappant
étrange que la tendance des choses en général est plutôt à s'assombrir je crois, avec le temps, à part évidemment la dépouille mortelle et puis certaines parties du corps qui se décolorent, ou d'où le sang se retire, avec l'âge.
Malone meurt Segment 1335, version 2 (Temps Modernes, p. 386)
Et j'ai pu constater que toutes ces grandes superficies, ou devrais-je dire infraficies, aussi bien l'horizontale que les droites, quoiqu'elles n'aient pas l'air très droites d'ici, ont sensiblement blêmi aussi, depuis la dernière inspection, datant de je ne sais plus quand. Et cela est d'autant plus frappant que la tendance des choses est plutôt à s'assombrir je crois, avec le temps, à part évidemment la dépouille mortelle et puis certaines parties du corps vivant qui se décolorent et d'où le sang se retire, à la longue.
Malone meurt Segment 1335, version 3 (Minuit 1951, p. 90)
Et j'ai pu constater que toutes ces grandes superficies, ou devrais-je dire infraficies, aussi bien l'horizontale que les droites, quoiqu'elles n'aient pas l'air très droites d'ici, ont sensiblement blêmi aussi, depuis la dernière inspection, datant de je ne sais plus quand, ce qui est d'autant plus frappant que la tendance des choses en général est plutôt à s'assombrir je crois, avec le temps, à part évidemment la dépouille mortelle et puis certaines parties du corps encore vivant qui se décolorent et d'où le sang se retire, à la longue.

Malone Dies Segment 1335, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-2-47, f. 65r)
And I saw that all these super-ficies, or should I say infraficies, the horizontal as well as the perpendicular, though they do not look particularly perpendicular from here, had visibly blanched since my last examination of them, dating from when I do not know[⁁] I know not when [I know not when.].
And this is all the more singular as the tendency of things in general is I believe rather to dark[⁁]en[en], as time wears on, with of course the exception of our mortal remains and certain parts of the body which lost lose their natural colour and from which the blood recedes,[₰] in the long run.

Malone Dies Segment 1335, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-4-3, f. 65r)
And I saw that all these superficies, or should I say infraficies, the horizontal as well as the perpendicular, though they do not look particularly perpendicular from here, had visibly blanched since my last examination of them, dating from when I do not know I know not when.
And this is all the more singular as the tendency of things in general is I believe rather to darken, as time wears on, with of course the exception of our mortal remains and certain parts of the body which lost lose their natural colour and from which the blood recedes, in the long run.

Malone Dies Segment 1335, version 6 (MS-UoR-1227-7-11-1, f. 65r)
And I saw that all these superficies, or should I say infraficies, the horizontal as well as the perpendicular, though they do not look particularly perpendicular from here, had visibly blanched since my last examination of them, dating from when I do not know I know not when.
And this is all the more singular as the tendency of things in general is I believe rather to darken, as time wears on, with of course the exception of our mortal remains and certain parts of the body which lost lose their natural colour and from which the blood recedes, in the long run.
Malone Dies Segment 1335, version 7 (Irish Writing, p. 33)
And I saw that all these superficies, or should I say infraficies, the horizontal as well as the perpendicular, though they do not look particularly perpendicular from here, had visibly blanched since my last examination of them, dating from I know not when. And this is all the more singular as the tendency of things in general is I believe rather to darken, with of course the exception of the mortal remains and certain parts of the living body which lose their natural colour and from which the blood recedes, in the long run.
Malone Dies Segment 1335, version 8 (Grove Press 1956, p. 49)
And I saw that all these superficies, or should I say infraficies, the horizontal as well as the perpendicular, though they do not look particularly perpendicular from here, had visibly blanched since my last examination of them, dating from I know not when. And this is all the more singular as the tendency of things in general is I believe rather to darken, as time wears on, with of course the exception of our mortal remains and certain parts of the body which lose their natural color and from which the blood recedes in the long run.
Malone meurt Segment 1335, version 9 (Minuit 1971, p. 80)
Et j'ai pu constater que toutes ces grandes superficies, ou devrais-je dire infraficies, aussi bien l'horizontale que les droites, quoiqu'elles n'aient pas l'air très droites d'ici, ont sensiblement blêmi aussi, depuis la dernière inspection, datant de je ne sais plus quand, ce qui est d'autant plus frappant que la tendance des choses en général est plutôt à s'assombrir je crois, avec le temps, à part évidemment la dépouille mortelle et puis certaines parties du corps encore vivant qui se décolorent et d'où le sang se retire, à la longue.