[0259] [[]Having waked between eleven o'clock and midday (I eard the
angelus, recalling the incarnation, shorting after) I resolved
to go and see my mother.
[0260] I needed, before I could resolve to go
and see that woman, reasons of an urgent nature, and with such
reasons, since I did not know what to do, or where to go, it
was child's play for me, the play of an only child, to fill
my mind until it was rid of all other preoccupation and I (was?) seized
with a trembling at the mere idea of being hindered from going
there, I mean to my mother, there and then.
[0264] I fastened my crutches to the crossbar, one on either side, I
propped the foot of my stiff leg (I forget which, now they're
both stiff) on the projecting front axle, and I pedaled with
the other. [0265] It was a chainless bicycle, with a free-wheel, if
such a bicycle exists. [0266] Dear bicycle, I shall not call you
bike, you were green, like so many of your generation, I don't
know why. [0267] It is a pleasure to meet it again.[]] [20]
[0271] I
will go further and declare that if I were obliged to record,
in a roll of honor, those activities which in the course of
my interminable existence have given me only a mild pain in
the balls,[?] the act of blowing a rubber horn would figure among
the first. [0272] And when I had to part from my bicycle I took off
Samuel Beckett [→]
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Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt