Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[0245] ground. [0246] And so at last I came out of that distant night, divided
between the murmurs of my little world, its dutiful confusions,
and those so different (so different) of all that between two suns
abides and passes away.
[0247] Never once a human voice. [0248] But the cows,
when the peasants passed, crying in vain to be milked.
[0249] A and C
I never saw again.
[0250] But perhaps I shall see them again.

Segment 2

[0251] But shall
I be able to recognize them?
[0252] And am I sure I never saw them again?
[0253] And what do I mean by seeing and seeing again? [0254] An instant of silence,
as when the conductor taps on his stand, raises his arms, before
the unanswerable clamour.
[0255] Smoke, sticks, flesh, hair, at evening,
afar, flung about the craving for a fellow.

Segment 3

[0256] I know how to summon
these rags to cover my shame.
[0257] I wonder what that means. [0258] But I
shall not always be in need.
[0259] But talking of the craving for a
fellow let me og [place = overwritten] bserve that having waked between eleven o'clock
and midday (I heard the angelus, recalling the incarnation, shortly
after) I resolved to go and see my mother.

Segment 4

[0260] I needed, before I
could resolve to go and see that woman, reasons of an urgent
nature, and with such reasons, since I did not know what to do,
or where to go, it was child's play for me, the play of an only
child, to fill my mind until it was rid of all other preoccupation
and I seized with a trembling at the mere idea of being hindered
from going there, I mean to my mother, there and a [place = overwritten] then.

Segment 5

[0261] So I got
up, adjusted my crutches and went down to the road, where I found
my bicycle ( I didn't know I had one ) in the same place I must
have left it.
[0262] Which enables me to remark that, crippled though
I was, I was no mean cyclist, at that period.
[0263] This is how I went
about it.
[0264] I fastened my crutches to the cross-bar, one on either

  • Segments