Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[0489] soft were joined, without understanding how the transfer had been
[0490] Let me tell you this, when social workers offer you,
free, gratis and for nothing, something to hinder you from swooning,
which with them is an obsession, it is useless to recoil,
[0491] they will
pursue you to the ends of the earth, the vomitory in their hands.
[0492] The Salvation Army is no better.

Segment 2

[0493] Against the charitable gesture
there is no defence, that I know of.
[0494] You sink your head, you put
out your hands all trembling and twined together and you say,
Thank you, thank you lady, thank you kind lady.
[0495] To him who has
nothing it is forbidden not to relish filth.
[0496] The liquid overflowed,
the mug rocked with a noiise of chattering teeth, not mine, I had
none, and the sodden bread sagged more and more.

Segment 3

[0497] Until, panic-
stricken, I flung it all far from me.
[0498] I did not let it fall, no,
but with a convulsive thrrust of both my hands I threw it to the
ground, where it smashed to smithereens, or against the wall, far
from me, with all my strength.
[0499] I will not tell what followed, for
I am weary of this place, I want to go.
[0500] It was late afternoon when
they told me I could go.
[0501] I was advised to behave better in future.

Segment 4

[0502] Conscious of my wrongs, knowing now the reasons for my arrest, alive
to my irregular situation as revealed by the enquiry, I was surprised
to find myself so soon at freedom once again, if that is what it was,
[0503] Had I, without my knowledge, a friend at court? [0504] Had I,
without knowing it, favourably impressed the sergeant?

Segment 5

[0505] Had they
succeeded in finding my mother and obtaining from her, or from the
neighbours, partial confirmation of my statements?
[0506] Were they of the
opinion that it was useless to prosecute me?
[0507] To apply the letter of
the law to a creature like me is not an easy matter.
[0508] It can be done,

  • Segments