[4223] and nails, I would toil up from the bowels of the earth to its crust,
knowing full well I had nothing to gain.
[4224] And when I had no more teeth,
and[₰] no more nails, I would dig through the rock with my bones.
[4225] Here
then in a few words is the solution I arrived at.
[4226] First the bags, then
my son's raincoat folded in four, all lashed to the carrier and the saddle
with my son's bits of string.
[4227] As for the umbrella, I hooked it round my
neck, so as to have both hands free to hold on to my son by the waist,
under the armpits rather, for by this time my seat was higher than his.
[4228] Pedal, I said.
[4229] He made a despairing effort, I can well believe it.
[4230] We
[4231] I felt a sharp pain in my shin.
[4232] I was all tangled up in the back
[4233] Help! I cried.
[4234] My son helped me up.
[4235] My stocking was torn and my
leg bleeding.
[4236] Happily it was the sick leg.
[4237] What would I have done, with
both legs out of action?
[4238] I would have found a way.
[4239] It was even perhaps
a blessing in disguise.
[4240] I was thinking of phlebotomy of course.
[4241] Are you
all right, I said.
[4242] Yes, he said.
[4243] He would be.
[4244] With my umbrella I caught
him a smart blow on the hamstrings, gleaming between the leg of his shorts
and his stocking.
[4245] He cried out.
[4246] Do you want to kill us? I said. [4247] I'm not
strong enough, he said, I'm not strong enough.
[4248] The bicycle was all right
apparently, the back wheel slightly buckled perhaps.
[4249] I at once saw the
error I had made.
[4250] It was to have settled down in my seat, with my feet
clear of the ground, before we moved off.
[4251] I reflected.
[4252] We'll try again,
I said.
[4253] I can't, he said.
[4254] Don't try me too far, I said. [4255] He straddled
the frame.
[4256] Start off gently when I tell you, I said.
[4257] I got up again
[4258] Seated, my feet did not reach the ground.
[4259] That was as it
should be.
[4260] Wait till I tell you, I said.
[4261] I let myself slide to one side
utill the foot of my good leg touched the ground.
[4262] The only wieight now on
the back wheel was that of my sick leg, cocked up rigid at an excruciating
[4263] I dug my fingers into my son's jacket.
[4264] Go easy, I said.
[4265] The
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt