[4576] But I shall not dwell upon this journey home, its furies and
[4577] And I shall pass over in silence the fiends in human shape
and the phantoms of the dead that tried to prevent me from going getting home, in
obedience to Youdi's command.
[4578] But one or two words nevertheless, for my
own edification and to prepare my soul to make an end.
[4579] To begin with my
rare thoughts.
[4582] 1. What value is to be attached to the theory that Eve sprang,
not from Adam's rib, but from a tumour in the fat of his leg (arse?)?
[4583] 2. Did the serpent crawl or, as Comestor affirms, walk upright?
[4584] 3. Did Mary conceive through the ear, as Augustine and Adobard
[4585] 4. How much longer are we to hang about waiting for [⁁]the anteiichrist?
[4586] 5. Does it really matter which hand is employed to absterge the
[4587] 6. What is one to think of the Irish o[e]ath sworn by the natives
with the right hand on the relics of the saints and the left on the
virile member?
[4588] 7. Does nature observe the sabbath?
[4589] 8. Is it true that the devils do not feel the pains of hell?
[4592] 10. Is it true that the infant Saint-Roch refused suck on Wednesdays
and Fridays?
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt