[4593] 11. What is one to think of the excommunication of vermin in the
sixteenth century?
[4594] 12. Is one to approve of the Italian cobbler Lovat who, having
cut off his testicles, crucified himself.
[4595] 13. What was God doing with himself before the creation?
[4596] 14. Might not the beatific vision become a source of boredom, in
the long run?
[4597] 15. Is it true that Judas' torments are suspended on Saturdays?
[4598] 16. What if the mass for the dead were read over the living?
[4602] It was in this frivolous and charming world that I took refuge,
when my cup ran over.
[4605] 1. Why had I not borrowed a few shillings from Gaber?
[4606] 2. Why had I obeyed the order to go home?
[4607] 3. What had become of Molloy?
[4608] 4. Same question for me.
[4609] 5. What would become of me?
[4610] 6. Same questions for my son.
[4611] 7. Was his mother in heaven?
[4612] 8. Same question for my mother.
[4613] 9. Would I go to heaven?
[4614] 10. Would we all meet again in heaven one day, I, my mother, my son,
his mother, Youdi, Gaber, Molloy, his mother, Yerk, Murphy, Watt, Camier
and the rest?
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt