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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 142


Molloy Segment 142, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-5, f. 09r)

Je veux dire que si par extraordinaire il doit repasser par
, dans l'autre sens, après un long laps de temps, pour rentrer chez lui, ou pour chercher quelque chose dont il a besoin, un papier quelconque mettons, ou pour brûler quelque chose, c'est le rocher qu'il chercherait des yeux, pour s'assurer qu'il ne s'est pas égaré, et non pas le hasard à son ombre de cette chose bougeante et fugitive qu'est la chair vivante, de quelque catégorie que ce soit.

Molloy Segment 142, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 13)

Je veux dire que si par extraordinaire il doit un jour repasser par là, après un long laps de temps, vaincu, ou pour chercher une chose oubliée, ou pour brûler quelque chose, c'est le rocher qu'il cherchera des yeux, et non pas le hasard à son ombre de cette chose bougeante et fugitive qu'est la chair encore vivante.

Molloy Segment 142, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 13)

Je veux dire que si par extraordinaire il doit un jour repasser par là, après un long laps de temps, vaincu, ou pour chercher une chose oubliée, ou pour brûler quelque chose, c'est le rocher qu'il cherchera des yeux, et non pas le hasard à son ombre de cette chose bougeante et fugitive qu'est la chair encore vivante.

Molloy Segment 142, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-48, f. 06r)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some forgotten thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-51-1, f. 05r)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some forgotten thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 6 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-51-2, f. 05r)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some forgotten thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 7 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 06r)

I mean if by some strqange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some forgotten thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 8 (Merlin 1953, p. 91)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some forgotten thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 9 (MS-BRML-NWWR-22-546, f. 06r)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some forgotten thing, or to destroy something, his yeyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 10 (MS-BRML-NWWR-35-1136, f. 02r)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some forgotten thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 11 (New World Writing 1954, p. 319)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some forgotten thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 12 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 06r)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some lost thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 13 (Olympia 1955, p. 12)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some lost thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 14 (Grove Press 1955, p. 12)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some lost thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 15 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 8)

I mean if by some strange chance he were to pass that way again, after a long lapse of time, vanquished, or to look for some lost thing, or to destroy something, his eyes would search out the rock, not the haphazard in its shadow of that unstable fugitive thing, still living flesh.

Molloy Segment 142, version 16 (Minuit 1971, p. 14)

Je veux dire que si par extraordinaire il doit un jour repasser par là, après un long laps de temps, vaincu, ou pour chercher une chose oubliée, ou pour brûler quelque chose, c'est le rocher qu'il cherchera des yeux, et non pas le hasard à son ombre de cette chose bougeante et fugitive qu'est la chair encore vivante.