Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 260


Molloy Segment 260, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-5, f. 29r)

Il fallait, pour me résoudre à aller voir cette femme, des raisons présentant un caractère d'urgence, et ces raisons, puisque je ne savais pas quoi faire, ni où aller, ce fût pour moi un jeu d'enfant, d'enfant unique, de m'en remplir l'esprit, jusqu'à ce que toute autre préoccupation en fut bannie et que je me miss je me prisse à je frémisse frémir à la seule idée que je pourrais être empêché de m'y rendre, je veux dire chez ma mère, séance tenante.

Molloy Segment 260, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 20)

Il fallait, pour me résoudre à aller voir cette femme, des raisons présentant un caractère d'urgence, et ces raisons, puisque je ne savais quoi faire, ni où aller, ce fut pour moi un jeu d'enfant, d'enfant unique, de m'en remplir l'esprit, jusqu'à ce que toute autre préoccupation en fût bannie et que je me prisse à frémir à la seule idée que je pourrais être empêché de m'y rendre, je veux dire chez ma mère, séance tenante.

Molloy Segment 260, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 20)

Il fallait, pour me résoudre à aller voir cette femme, des raisons présentant un caractère d'urgence, et ces raisons, puisque je ne savais quoi faire, ni où aller, ce fut pour moi un jeu d'enfant, d'enfant unique, de m'en remplir l'esprit, jusqu'à ce que toute autre préoccupation en fût bannie et que je me prisse à frémir à la seule idée que je pourrais être empêché de m'y rendre, je veux dire chez ma mère, séance tenante.

Molloy Segment 260, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 13r)

I needed, before I could resolve to go and see that woman, reasons of an urgent nature, and with such reasons, since I did not know what to do, or where to go, it was child's play for me, the play of an only child, to fill my mind until it was rid of all other preoccupation and I seized with a trembling at the mere idea of being hindered from going there, I mean to my mother, there and then.

Molloy Segment 260, version 5 (Merlin 1953, p. 95)

I needed, before I could resolve to go and see that woman, reasons of an urgent nature, and with such reasons, since I did not know what to do, or where to go, it was child's play for me, the play of an only child, to fill my mind until it was rid of all other preoccupation and I seized with a trembling at the mere idea of being hindered from going there, I mean to my mother, there and then.

Molloy Segment 260, version 6 (MS-BRML-NWWR-2-38, f. 01r)

I needed, before I could resoltve to go and see that woman, reasons of an urgent nature, and with such reasons, since I did not know what to do, or where to go, it was child's play for me, the play of an only child, to fill my mind until it was rid of all other preoccupation and I (was?) seized with a trembling at the mere idea of being hindered from going there, I mean to my mother, there and then.

Molloy Segment 260, version 7 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 13r)

I needed, before I could resolve to go and see that woman, reasons of an urgent nature, and with such reasons, since I did not know what to do, or where to go, it was child's play for me, the play of an only child, to fill my mind until it was rid of all other preoccupation and I seized with a trembling at the mere idea of being hindered from going there, I mean to my mother, there and athen.

Molloy Segment 260, version 8 (Olympia 1955, p. 19)

I needed, before I could resolve to go and see that woman, reasons of an urgent nature, and with such reasons, since I did not know what to do, or where to go, it was child's play for me, the play of an only child, to fill my mind until it was rid of all other preoccupation and I seized with a trembling at the mere idea of being hindered from going there, I mean to my mother, there and then.

Molloy Segment 260, version 9 (Grove Press 1955, p. 19)

I needed, before I could resolve to go and see that woman, reasons of an urgent nature, and with such reasons, since I did not know what to do, or where to go, it was child's play for me, the play of an only child, to fill my mind until it was rid of all other preoccupation and I seized with a trembling at the mere idea of being hindered from going there, I mean to my mother, there and then.

Molloy Segment 260, version 10 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 15)

I needed, before I could resolve to go and see that woman, reasons of an urgent nature, and with such reasons, since I did not know what to do, or where to go, it was child's play for me, the play of an only child, to fill my mind until it was rid of all other preoccupation and I seized with a trembling at the mere idea of being hindered from going there, I mean to my mother, there and then.

Molloy Segment 260, version 11 (Minuit 1971, p. 22)

Il fallait, pour me résoudre à aller voir cette femme, des raisons présentant un caractère d'urgence, et ces raisons, puisque je ne savais quoi faire, ni où aller, ce fut pour moi un jeu d'enfant, d'enfant unique, de m'en remplir l'esprit, jusqu'à ce que toute autre préoccupation en fût bannie et que je me prisse à frémir à la seule idée que je pourrais être empêché de m'y rendre, je veux dire chez ma mère, séance tenante.