Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 441
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Molloy Segment 441, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-5, f. 53r)
Celui des abattoirs, car de la chambre même de ma
mère, plus fort que ses ,
j'entendais j'avais plus d'une fois entendu le mugissement des bovins, ce mugissement violent,
rauque et tremblé qui n'est pas celui des pâturages, mais celui des villes, des abattoirs ou des marche des abat de l'abattoir ou du marché à bestiaux.
Molloy Segment 441, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 31)
Celui des abattoirs, mon prince, car de la chambre de ma mère, à travers les fenêtres fermées, plus fort que son babil, j'avais entendu le rugissement des bovins, ce mugissement violent, rauque et tremblé qui n'est pas celui des pâturages, mais celui des villes, des abattoirs et marchés aux bestiaux.
Molloy Segment 441, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 31)
Celui des abattoirs, mon prince, car de la chambre de ma mère, à travers les fenêtres fermées, plus fort que son babil, j'avais entendu le rugissement des bovins, ce mugissement violent, rauque et tremblé qui n'est pas celui des pâturages, mais celui des villes, des abattoirs et marchés aux bestiaux.

Molloy Segment 441, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 22r)
By the slaughterhouse your lordship, for from my mother's room, through the closed windows, I had heard, stilling her chatter, the bellowing of the cattle, that violent raucous tremulous bellowing not of the pastures but of the towns, their slaughterhouses and cattle-markets.
Molloy Segment 441, version 5 (Merlin 1953, p. 100)
By the slaughterhouse your lordship, for from my mother's room, through the closed windows, I had heard, stilling her chatter, the bellowing of the cattle, that violent raucous tremulous bellowing not of the pastures but of the towns, their slaughterhouses and cattle-markets.

Molloy Segment 441, version 6 (MS-BRML-NWWR-2-38, f. 09r)
By the slaughterhouse,
your lordship, for from my mother's room, through the closed
windows, I had heard, stilling her chatter, the bellowing of the
cattle, that violent, raucous, tremulous bellowing not of the pastures
but of the towns, their slaughterhouses and cattle-[#]markets.

Molloy Segment 441, version 7 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 22r)
By the shambles your honour, for from my mother's room, through the closed windows, I had heard, stilling her chatter, the bellowing of the cattle, that violent raucous tremulous bellowing not of the pastures but of the towns, their shambles and cattle-markets.
Molloy Segment 441, version 8 (Olympia 1955, p. 28)
By the shambles your honour, for from my mother's room, through the closed windows, I had heard, stilling her chatter, the bellowing of the cattle, that violent raucous tremulous bellowing not of the pastures but of the towns, their shambles and cattle-markets.
Molloy Segment 441, version 9 (Grove Press 1955, p. 28)
By the shambles your honour, for from my mother's room, through the closed windows, I had heard, stilling her chatter, the bellowing of the cattle, that violent raucous tremulous bellowing not of the pastures but of the towns, their shambles and cattle-markets.
Molloy Segment 441, version 10 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 24)
By the shambles your honour, for from my mother's room, through the closed windows, I had heard, stilling her chatter, the bellowing of the cattle, that violent raucous tremulous bellowing not of the pastures but of the towns, their shambles and cattle-markets.
Molloy Segment 441, version 11 (Minuit 1971, p. 33)
Celui des abattoirs, mon prince, car de la chambre de ma mère, à travers les fenêtres fermées, plus fort que son babil, j'avais entendu le rugissement des bovins, ce mugissement violent, rauque et tremblé qui n'est pas celui des pâturages, mais celui des villes, des abattoirs et marchés aux bestiaux.