Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 490


Molloy Segment 490, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-5, f. 57v)

je vais vous dire une chose, quand les assistantes sociales

Molloy Segment 490, version 2 (MS-HRC-SB-4-5, f. 58v)

Je vais vous dire une chose: quand les assistante sociales vous offrent de quoi casser la croûte, à titre gracieux, et c'est ce qui est pour elles est une sorte d'obsession avec elles, on a beau reculer.

Molloy Segment 490, version 3 (Minuit 1951, p. 33)

Je vais vous dire une chose, quand les assistantes sociales vous offrent de quoi ne pas tourner de l'œil, à titre gracieux, ce qui pour elles est une obsession, on a beau reculer.

Molloy Segment 490, version 4 (Minuit 1953, p. 33)

Je vais vous dire une chose, quand les assistantes sociales vous offrent de quoi ne pas tourner de l'œil, à titre gracieux, ce qui pour elles est une obsession, on a beau reculer.

Molloy Segment 490, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 24r)

Let me tell you this, when social workers offer you, free, gratis and for nothing, something to keep hinder you from passing out losing consciousness,[], which for with[] them is an obsession, it is useless to recoil,

Molloy Segment 490, version 6 (Merlin 1953, p. 101)

Let me tell you this, when social workers offer you, free gratis and for nothing, something to hinder you from losing consciousness, which with them is an obsession, it is useless to recoil,

Molloy Segment 490, version 7 (MS-BRML-NWWR-2-38, f. 11r)

Let me tell you this, when social workers offer you, free, gratis, and for nothing, something to hinder you from losing consciousness, which with them is an obsession, it is useless to recoil,

Molloy Segment 490, version 8 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 25r)

Let me tell you this, when social workers offer you, free, gratis and for nothing, something to hinder you from swooning, which with them is an obsession, it is useless to recoil,

Molloy Segment 490, version 9 (Olympia 1955, p. 30)

Let me tell you this, when social workers offer you, free, gratis and for nothing, something to hinder you from swooning, which with them is an obsession, it is useless to recoil,

Molloy Segment 490, version 10 (Grove Press 1955, p. 30)

Let me tell you this, when social workers offer you, free, gratis and for nothing, something to hinder you from swooning, which with them is an obsession, it is useless to recoil,

Molloy Segment 490, version 11 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 26)

Let me tell you this, when social workers offer you, free, gratis and for nothing, something to hinder you from swooning, which with them is an obsession, it is useless to recoil,

Molloy Segment 490, version 12 (Minuit 1971, p. 36)

Je vais vous dire une chose, quand les assistantes sociales vous offrent de quoi ne pas tourner de l'œil, à titre gracieux, ce qui pour elles est une obsession, on a beau reculer,