Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 714


Molloy Segment 714, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-6, f. 12r)

en quoi elle ne se trompait pas, car au bout d'un temps relativement court je me trouvai en possession de certaines idées, ou points de vue, ne pouvant m'être venus qu' que d'elle, à mon avis, à savoir qu'ayant tué son chien je me devais de l'aider à l'enterrer, le ramener chez elle et à l'enterrer, qu'elle ne désirait voulait pas porter plainte à cause de ce que j'avais fait mais qu'on ne faisait pas toujours ce qu'on ne voulait pas, que je lui étais sympathique, malgré ce que j'avais fait, et qu'elle se ferait un plaisir de me secourir et je ne sais plus quoi encore.

Molloy Segment 714, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 49)

Et elle ne se trompait pas, car au bout d'un certain temps je me trouvai en possession de certaines idées ou points de vue ne pouvant m'être venus que d'elle, à savoir qu'ayant tué son chien, je me devais de l'aider à le rapporter chez elle et à l'enterrer, qu'elle ne voulait pas porter plainte rapport à ce que j'avais fait, mais qu'on ne faisait pas toujours ce qu'on ne voulait pas, que je lui étais sympathique malgré mon aspect hideux et qu'elle se ferait un plaisir de me secourir, et je ne sais plus quoi encore.

Molloy Segment 714, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 49)

Et elle ne se trompait pas, car au bout d'un certain temps je me trouvai en possession de certaines idées ou points de vue ne pouvant m'être venus que d'elle, à savoir qu'ayant tué son chien, je me devais de l'aider à le rapporter chez elle et à l'enterrer, qu'elle ne voulait pas porter plainte rapport à ce que j'avais fait, mais qu'on ne faisait pas toujours ce qu'on ne voulait pas, que je lui étais sympathique malgré mon aspect hideux et qu'elle se ferait un plaisir de me secourir, et je ne sais plus quoi encore.

Molloy Segment 714, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 38r)

And she was not mistaken, for by the end of a certain time I found myself in possession of certain ideas or points of view which could only have come to me from her, namely that having killed her dog I was morally obliged to help her carry it home and bury it, that she did not wish to prosecute me for what I had done, but that it was not always possible to do as one did not wish, that she found me likeable enough in spite of my hideous appearance and that she would be happy to hold out to me a helping hand, and so on, I've forgoetten the half of it.

Molloy Segment 714, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 38r)

And she was not mistaken, for by the end of a certain []after some time I found myself in possession of certain ideas or points of view which could only have come to me from her, namely that having killed her dog I was morally obliged to help her carry it home and bury it, that she did not wish to prosecute me for what I had done, but that it was not always possible to do as one did not wish, that she found me likeable enough in spite of my hideous appearance and that she would be happy to hold out to me a helping hand, and so on, I've forgoetten the half of it.

Molloy Segment 714, version 6 (Olympia 1955, p. 44)

And she was not mistaken, for after some time I found myself in possession of certain ideas or points of view which could only have come to me from her, namely that having killed her dog I was morally obliged to help her carry it home and bury it, that she did not wish to prosecute me for what I had done, but that it was not always possible to do as one did not wish, that she found me likeable enough in spite of my hideous appearance and would be happy to hold out to me a helping hand, and so on, I've forgotten the half of it.

Molloy Segment 714, version 7 (Grove Press 1955, p. 44)

And she was not mistaken, for after some time I found myself in possession of certain ideas or points of view which could only have come to me from her, namely that having killed her dog I was morally obliged to help her carry it home and bury it, that she did not wish to prosecute me for what I had done, but that it was not always possible to do as one did not wish, that she found me likeable enough in spite of my hideous appearance and would be happy to hold out to me a helping hand, and so on, I've forgotten the half of it.

Molloy Segment 714, version 8 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 40)

And she was not mistaken, for after some time I found myself in possession of certain ideas or points of view which could only have come to me from her, namely that having killed her dog I was morally obliged to help her carry it home and bury it, that she did not wish to prosecute me for what I had done, but that it was not always possible to do as one did not wish, that she found me likeable enough in spite of my hideous appearance and would be happy to hold out to me a helping hand, and so on, I've forgotten the half of it.

Molloy Segment 714, version 9 (Minuit 1971, p. 53)

Et elle ne se trompait pas, car au bout d'un certain temps je me trouvai en possession de certaines idées ou points de vue ne pouvant m'être venus que d'elle, à savoir qu'ayant tué son chien, je me devais de l'aider à le rapporter chez elle et à l'enterrer, qu'elle ne voulait pas porter plainte rapport à ce que j'avais fait, mais qu'on ne faisait pas toujours ce qu'on ne voulait pas, que je lui étais sympathique malgré mon aspect hideux et qu'elle se ferait un plaisir de me secourir, et je ne sais plus quoi encore.