Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 1495


Molloy Segment 1495, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-6, f. 85r)

Avec huit poches, par exemple, je gagnais la certitude J'aurais eu huit poches, par exemple, que le hasard le plus contraire sinistre malveillant ne pourrait empêcher que sur les seize pierres huit au moins se succèdent dans ma bouche j'en suce au moins huit, à tour de rôle.

Molloy Segment 1495, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 107)

J'aurais eu huit poches, par exemple, au lieu des quatre que j'avais, que le hasard le plus malveillant n'aurait pu empêcher que sur mes seize pierres j'en suce au moins huit, à tour de rôle.

Molloy Segment 1495, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 107)

J'aurais eu huit poches, par exemple, au lieu des quatre que j'avais, que le hasard le plus malveillant n'aurait pu empêcher que sur mes seize pierres j'en suce au moins huit, à tour de rôle.

Molloy Segment 1495, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 82r)

Had I had eight pockets, for example, instead of the four I did have, then the most diabolical hazard could not have prevented me from sucking at leatst eight of my sixteen stones, turn and turn about.

Molloy Segment 1495, version 5 (Paris Review 1954, p. 126)

Had I had eight pockets, for example, instead of the four I did have, then even the most diabolical hazard could not have prevented me from sucking at least eight of my sixteen stones, turn and turn about.

Molloy Segment 1495, version 6 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 82r)

Had I had eight pockets, for example, instead of the four I did have, then even the most diabolical hazard could not have prevented me from sucking at leatst eight of my sixteen stones, turn and turn about.

Molloy Segment 1495, version 7 (Olympia 1955, p. 94)

Had I had eight pockets, for example, instead of the four I did have, then even the most diabolical hazard could not have prevented me from sucking at least eight of my sitxeen stones, turn and turn about.

Molloy Segment 1495, version 8 (Grove Press 1955, p. 94)

Had I had eight pockets, for example, instead of the four I did have, then even the most diabolical hazard could not have prevented me from sucking at least eight of my sixteen stones, turn and turn about.

Molloy Segment 1495, version 9 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 92)

Had I had eight pockets, for example, instead of the four I did have, then even the most diabolical hazard could not have prevented me from sucking at least eight of my sixteen stones, turn and turn about.

Molloy Segment 1495, version 10 (Minuit 1971, p. 115)

J'aurais eu huit poches, par exemple, au lieu des quatre que j'avais, que le hasard le plus malveillant n'aurait pu empêcher que sur mes seize pierres j'en suce au moins huit, à tour de rôle.