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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 1507

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Molloy Segment 1507, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-6, f. 87r)

Cette proposition, qui se mit soudain à chanter en dedans de moi, comme un verset de l'Ecriture sainte Kabbala, je mis quelque temps à en pénétrer la signification, et notamment me demeura longtemps obscure l'expression " distribution répartition égale." [1507|001] xxx Car le reste était tout de même assez clair.

Molloy Segment 1507, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 108)

Cette proposition, qui se mit soudain à chanter au dedans de moi, comme un verset d'Esaïe, ou de Jérémie, je mis quelque temps à en pénétrer la signification, et notamment me demeura longtemps obscur le terme arrimage, que je ne connaissais pas.

Molloy Segment 1507, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 108)

Cette proposition, qui se mit soudain à chanter au dedans de moi, comme un verset d'Esaïe, ou de Jérémie, je mis quelque temps à en pénétrer la signification, et notamment me demeura longtemps obscur le terme arrimage, que je ne connaissais pas.

Molloy Segment 1507, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 83r)

The meaning of this illumination, which suddenly begnan to sing within me, like a verse of Isaiah, or of Jeremiah, I did not penetrate at once, and notably the word trim, which I had never met with, long remained obscure.

Molloy Segment 1507, version 5 (Paris Review 1954, p. 127)

The meaning of this illumination, which suddenly began to sing within me, like a verse of Isaiah, or of Jeremiah, I did not penetrate at once, and notably the word trim, which I had never met with, long remained obscure.

Molloy Segment 1507, version 6 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 83r)

The meaning of this illumination, which suddenly begnan to sing within me, like a verse of Isaiah, or of Jeremiah, I did not penetrate at once, and notably the word trim, which I had never met with, []in this sense, long remained obscure.

Molloy Segment 1507, version 7 (Olympia 1955, p. 96)

The meaning of this illumination, which suddenly began to sing within me, like a verse of Isaiah, or of Jeremiah, I did not penetrate at once, and notably the word trim, which I had never met with, in this sense, long remained obscure.

Molloy Segment 1507, version 8 (Grove Press 1955, p. 96)

The meaning of this illumination, which suddenly began to sing within me, like a verse of Isaiah, or of Jeremiah, I did not penetrate at once, and notably the word trim, which I had never met with, in this sense, long remained obscure.

Molloy Segment 1507, version 9 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 93)

The meaning of this illumination, which suddenly began to sing within me, like a verse of Isaiah, or of Jeremiah, I did not penetrate at once, and notably the word trim, which I had never met with, in this sense, long remained obscure.

Molloy Segment 1507, version 10 (Minuit 1971, p. 117)

Cette proposition, qui se mit soudain à chanter au dedans de moi, comme un verset d'Ésaïe, ou de Jérémie, je mis quelque temps à en pénétrer la signification, et notamment me demeura longtemps obscur le terme arrimage, que je ne connaissais pas.