Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Not I / Pas moi


Segment 1

Woman's face alone in constant light.

Nothing but fixed lit face & speech.

When theatre lights down, curtain before curtain
up, light on face and speech already. I.e.
light from stage same & same pre-curtain

Segment 2

Tears thrice: near beginning, brief; towards
middle, longer; &, longest, to close.

Curtain down on [place = supralinear] lit weeping face.

Tears brought on each time by same
element, followed by pause for tears
to mount

Segment 3

Opening: 4 - 5 lines text mu muffled text [place = supralinear] speech,
curtain up, conclusion of this speech, long

Talks of herself in 3rd person

Segment 4

- come then [place = supralinear] now to Kilcool [place = inline] e the [place = supralinear] that [place = supralinear] this time in Kilcool from
those other the [place = supralinear] those other times other homes nearer town
xx we have seen to Kilcool [place = inline] e further out (curtain
) to live in Kilcool [place = inline] e papa dead xx we have
seen and then mamma perhaps of grief or
partly grief that simple bug that but for grief
that weakening [place = supralinear] enfeebling but not that again [place = margin right] we have seen [place = supralinear] no more of that all has

Segment 5

been weighed all that remained and tip
now the one scale now the other and so
more those other times other homes no more
of them and we have seen xx
what remained
we have seen and now Kilcool that time in
Kilcool [place = inline] e with this aunt to go on living with
this aunt in Kilcool [place = inline] e both parents gone we
have seen having nothing and this aunt came

Segment 6

forward to take the girl away the orphan
girl to take her to her bosom and take
her to her home in Kilcool [place = inline] e further out this
widowed childless aunt to go on living with
her in her humble home in Kilcool [place = inline] e that is
the time we are come to now. (Pause.)

Segment 7

Oh God grant - (Pause.) Oh grant
Time the Father ... that dark when she dies
when she so young so long ago was laid in
Redford by the sea when we come to that
time that dark room now where she was

Addition 1
we have seen
Date 1
Paris 24 8 63
Title 1
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  • Marginal Additions
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