Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

on the pillow under the light, the eyes -
(Pause.) Closed mostly, then suddenly open
wide and gaze up unblinking half a
minute forty seconds. (Pause.) Undazzled.
body & face, only the eyes. (Pause.)
The pillow for the head. (Pause.) Alone quite
still body & face, only the eyes. (Pause.)
Closed mostly. (Pause.)
(Pause.) Oh time giver of light -
(Pause.) Oh time when we come to this
and then the dark where she was laid
so young so long ago this prayer giver
of light and taker of it away this
prayer again take it away. (Pause,
4 seconds. Tears, 8 seconds. Pause, 4 seconds.)

breathless.) Ah you and your living, will
you stop talking to me about living.
I doing only living, what else do you call
this I'm doing only living. (Panting.)
Is it because I'm sitting here quiet
with my thoughts - (panting) - not
whining for anything and not pawing
over anything - (panting) - that I
amn't living? (Normal voice.) Her thoughts

- Marginal Additions
- Doodles
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt