Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

[0006] Old man (sitting) in dark. [0007]
Facing front, a little off centre.
[0007|001] Face alone lit, faintly. [0008] Very white, long
white hair standing on end.
[0007|002] face about 8' above stage level, problem in consequence.
[0008|001] Head on white pillow?
[0008|002] Faint tick-tack through[⁁]out, only just
audible in silence.
[0008|003] No blinking. [0013] Eyes staring [0009] 3-fold text in single voice coming
wide as long as possible,
then closed as long or longer.
or: eyes open only in silence
from left (A), right (B), above (C).
Recurrence of element "time" in avoid "he" in ref. to old man. Overlapping voices, e.g. A beginning
all 3, e.g. "the time they ...",
"that time she", "one time
we ..."
stops B or C, but for a moment 2
together. A may resist, B or C yield &
A continue.
15 min. @ 200 words/min. = 3000 words, [0005] Curtain up. [0005] Face lit.[0013] Eyes open. End: voice stops. [0057] Silence 5 secs.
i.e. 3 recordings 1000 words apiece.
[0012] Silence 10 seconds. [0012] A begins.
[0012] Eyes close after say 3 seconds speech.
[0059] Eyes open. Silence 10 seconds. [0061] Curtain
in silence on lit face eyes open.

- Segments
- Marginal Additions
- Dates
- Doodles
- Titles
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt