Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

[0006] Old man (sitting) in dark. [0007] Front, a
Facing front, a little off centre.
[0007|001] Face alone lit., faintly. [0008] Very white, long
white hair standing on end.
[0007|002] face about 8' above stage level, problem in consequence.
[0008|001] Head on white pillow?
[0008|002] Faint tick-tack through[⁁]out, only just
audible in silence.
[0008|003] No blinking. [0013] Eyes [0009] 3-fold text in single voice coming wide xx staring
front wide open as long as possible,
then closed as long or longer.
or: eyes open only in silence
from left (A), right (B), above (C).
Recurrence of element "time" in avoid "he" in ref. to Overlapping voices,
all 3, e.g. "the time they ...",
"that time she", "one time when ..
we ..."fxxx old man.i.e. e.g. A beginning
stops B or C, but for a moment 2
together. A may resist, B or C yield &
A continue.
15 min. @ 200 words/min. = 3000 words, [0005] Curtain up. [0005] Face lit.[0013] Eyes open. End: voice stops. [0057]
i.e. 3 recordings 1000 words each apiece.
[0012] Silence 10 seconds. [0012] A begins.
[0012] Eyes close after say 3 seconds Silence 5 secs.
[0059] Eyes open. Silence 10 seconds. [0061] Curtain
in silence on lit face eyes open.

- Segments
- Marginal Additions
- Dates
- Doodles
- Titles
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt