Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
That Time / Cette fois


Segment 1

[0039] never stirring never a stir xx you except
every now & again the
mouth to say you
loved each other

Segment 2


[0031] that time together on the towpath with the
stream and and []into the huge sun going
sinking and the xx xxx bits of flotsam
catching up on you and carried
away or caught in the reeds the
dead rat it looked like that day
that caught up on you and drifted
on till you could see it no more never

Segment 3

[0034] never clear what she looked like
never seemed to look at each other turned seemed to look at her nor she at you
always side by side facing front like
at the two ends of an axle tree
couldn't couldn't turn your heads
to look at each oth for a look at
each other xxx nothing more no better than two blurs xx xxx the
edge of the fields
at the limits of
the fields

Segment 4

[0034] never clear what she looked like
never seemed turned to look at her nor
she at you always parallel like
axle-tr on an axle-tree couldn't turn
your heads for a look at each other
no better than two blurs at the
limits of the fields

Segment 5

[0034] no touching or anything of that
kind always xx xxx space between if
only a few inches no reaching out
with the hands
feeling to to see were you flesh
and blood no better than two wraiths
if it wasn't for the odd coo out of you

Segment 6

[0037] never moving always dead stock still like in a daze
like that time on the stone or
that time in the sandhills stretched
out parallel in the sun gazing up
at the blue sky or xx the eyes
closed now the one now the other
xxx xx xxx blue dark blue dark

Segment 7

[0037] picture come floating up and
there you were wherever it was
might be
[0039] stock still side by
side in the sun then sink &
vanished without your having

Segment 8

[0039] stirred any more than the two
knobs on a dumbbell except
the eyelids and every now &
again the mouths lips to say your
loved each other piece

Segment 9

[0039] all around []xxxish all around too all still []all aroun all sides wherever
it might be nothing stirring not a
sound only
no stir nor sound
only the leaves but only faintly the
leaves or the rushes bent or the
stream against the bank as the case
might be no sign or trace of man
no trace of man

Segment 10

[0039] without your having stirred
except but for the eyes the
eyelids and the mouths
every now & again to say
you loved each other

Title 1
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