Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

[0040] always winter then always raining
year after year winter and rain
always going in somewhere to get out
of the cold & wet sopping in the old
green coat places you didn't have to
pay to get in like xx [place = supralinear] the Public Library
that was another time great thing
free culture in bad weather far
from home
[0053] that time
when you went into the Public
Library out of the cold & wet was
that the time what was it then
you were never the same after
something to do with dust was
it then that last try nothing else
left to try
[0056] opened your eyes and nothing but
dust nothing to be seen from floor
to ceiling only dust xxx and not
a sound only come & gone come
& gone no one come & gone in no
[0030] never looked back after that
[0030] turning-point that was a great
word with you before they dried
up you squirming on the same and only
old spit ever since they lugged
you out never xx xxx dark
one the first & last that time
[0030] you were curled up like a worm in
the xxx in the xxx [place = supralinear] slime in the dark
& xxx & they lugged you out [place = inline] & dried you off
& straightened you up that was
your turning-point never had
another after that never looked
back after that
another stop that winter was in
the Post Office it xxxe xxx xight
pushed open the door like anyone
else and took a seat at the
table with the telegram forms &
the postal-order forms & the registered
letter forms
that time last [place = supralinear] what time
no time but the one time
[0056] come & gone come & gone [place = infralinear] come & gone
born & died in no born & died
get me born & died in no
- Segments
- Titles
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt