Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
That Time / Cette fois


Segment 1

[0005] Curtain. [0006] Stage in darkness. [0007] Fade up to Listener's
face about ten feet above stage level midstage off

[0008] Old white face, long flaring white hair as if seen
from above outspread

Segment 2

[0009] Voices A B C are his own coming tpo hoim from both
sides and above.
[0010] They modulate back and forth with-
out any break in general flow except where silence
[0011] See note below.

[0012] Silence 7". [0013] Listener's eyes are open. [0014] His breath
audible, slow and regular

Segment 3


[0015] that time you went back that last time to look was
the ruin still there where you hid as a child when
was that (eyes close) grey day took the eleven to
the end of the line and on from there no no trams
then all gone long ago that time you went back to
look was the ruin still there where you hid as a
child that last time not a tram left in the place
only the old rails when was that

Segment 4


[0016] when you went in out of the rain always winter then
always raining that time in the Portrait Gallery in
off the street out of the cold and rain slipped in
when no one was looking and through the rooms shiver-
ing and dripping till you found a seat marble slab
and sat down to rest and dry off and on to hell out
of there when was that

Segment 5


[0017] on the stone together in the sun on the stone at the
edge of the little wood and as far as eye could see
the wheat turning yellow vowing every now and then
you loved each other just a murmur not touching or
anything of that nature you one end of the stone she
the other long low stone like millstone no looks just
there together on the stone in the sun with the little
wood behind gazing at the wheat or eyes closed all still
no sign of life not a soul abroad no sound

Segment 6


[0018] straight off the ferry and up with the nightbag to the
high street neither right nor left not a curse for the
old scenes the old names straight up the rise from the
wharf to the high street and there not a wire to be seen
only the old rails all rust when was that was your mother
ah for God's sake all gone long ago that time you went
back that last time to look was the ruin still there
where you hid as a child someone'xs folly

Doodle 1
Shape, Stray mark
Title 1
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